This philosophical text from the 3rd Century BC is astonishing.

The Chanakya Neeti, written by Chanakya — the noble mentor to the Mauryan Emperors of India, economist, and theorist.

Aryan Arya
New Writers Welcome
3 min readJan 6, 2022


Image source: Goodreads

The Chanakya Neeti (‘Neeti’ means behavior) imparts knowledge on practical aspects of life. The text was originally written in Sanskrit and is translated into many languages. Chanakya was the guru of Chandragupta Maurya. Under his tutelage, Chandragupta became the ruler and built the largest empire in India.

Here are a few of the important lessons and their translation is taken from the book ‘Chanakya Neeti with Sutras Included’ (Check out the link for the book below) :

1Yaavattsvastho Yahayam Dehah Taavanmriuttushcha Dooratah.
Taavdaattmahitam Kuryaat Praanante Kim Karishyati.
As long as one is healthy, Death stands away. Hence one should achieve one’s welfare till one is healthy, for death ceases all activities.

2Naasti Kaam Samo Vyaadhirnaasti Mohasamo Ripuh.
Naasti Kop Samo Vahinnih Naasti Gyaanaattparam Sulkham.
No disease is more deadly than (the sexual) desire, no enemy is more dangerous than infatuation, no fire is hotter than the fire of anger and no happiness is better than the self-knowledge of a person.

3Bandhanaaya Vishyaasangah Muktayai Nirvishyam Manah.
Man Eva Manusshyaanaam Kaaranam Bandmokshyoh.
Indulging in vices is bondage. Renunciation of them is liberation. It is the mind which drives you to the bondage via vices or liberation. Take good care of your mind.

4Dharmakkhyaane Shmashaane Cha Roginaam Yaa Matirbhavet.
Saa Sarvadaiv Thishttbechchet Ko Na Muchyate Bandhanaat.
One develops a version to the temporal world by listening to the sacred tales, viewing the diseased persons and visiting the crematorium. And if one remains averse to wordly considerations, he is bound to be free from all the bondages.

5Shaantitullyam Tapo Naasti Na Santoshaatparamsukham.
Na Trishnayaaparo Vyaadhirnacha Dharmo Dayaaparah.
No penance is greater than the one done for maintaining peace, no happiness is better than the one received from satisfaction, no disease is more damaging than greed and no Dharma is better than the one having compassion for all.

6Deyam Bhojyadhanam Sukritibhirno Sanchayastasya Vai.
Shri Karnassya Baleshcha Vikrampatreddyapi Keerti Sthitaa.
Asmaakam Madhudaanyogarahitam Nashtam Chiraatsanchitaah
Nirvaanaaditi Nashtapaadyugalam Gharshttyamee Makshikaah.
All great men should donate eatables and wealth. It is improper to hoard these things. The fame of Karna (of Mahabharat) and Bali (a mythological monarch renowned for his sacrifice and charity) is still unblemished because of their acts of charity. The honeybees ruefully rub their feet against ground. They neither enjoy their honey nor gifting it to others. [Chanakya uses an allegory to bring home his point. He says the honeybees do not eat the honey, they neither collect nor give it to others. And when a person takes away their honey they fall to the ground in utter frustration.]

7Santoshstrishu Kartavyah Svadaare Bhojane Ghane.
Trishuchaiv Na Kartavyoaddhyayane Japadaanayoh.
One should always be satisfied (i) with his wife, (ii) with his diet and (iii) with his wealth; but never with (i) his studies, (ii) his austerity and penance and (iii) with his donations and gifts to the deserving persons.

8Laalyet Panchavarshani Dashavarshaani Taadyet.
Praapte tu Shodashe Varshe Putram Mitravadaacharet.

meaning: Rear up your son affectionately till he is five year old then admonish him strictly for next ten years. When he turns sixteen, start treating him as your friend.

9Vishaadppyamritam Graahyamameddhyaadapi Kaanchanam.
Neechadappyuttamaam Viddyaam Streeratnam Dushkulaadapi.
Do not hesitate in getting nectar even from poison if it be available and gold even from the filth. Accept good knowledge even from a pariah and good girl even from a low family.

Everyone should read this book at least once in their lifetime: You can buy from amazon by clicking here.



Aryan Arya
New Writers Welcome

I am here to earn money by sharing my knowledge with the world.