This Simple One-Line Quote Changed My Life Forever

Simple moments of profound transformation…

Berthran Benaiah
New Writers Welcome
2 min readOct 18, 2022


Photo by Quinton Coetzee on Unsplash

We often go through life totally blind to the moments of life-changing transformations.

We find it easier to spot and recall such moments if they are accompanied by much drama. But often times we miss the simple, silent moments of life-changing transformation.

I’m glad I didn’t.

My Story.

It was while I was still an undergraduate. At the time, I used to be very scared of meeting and talking with new people. Worst of all, I couldn’t confidently speak to a lady. Yep!

Anyways, one evening while in the comfort of my student mansion, I came across a one-line quote in a book I was reading at the time. It read,

“Do the thing you fear, and the death of fear is certain.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson


Immediately, it was as though a lightbulb went on in my mind. The quote came alive to me.

It was a mindblowing revelation. It looked so simple yet felt so profound. I continued to recite and meditate on the quote. And not long after, for the first time, I decided one day to walk up to a total stranger, a lady.

It was after an event. I walked up to her with my heart in my mouth, introduced myself, and… I can’t remember all I said.

Long story short, it went much better than I feared. And that was the starting point for a relationship I’ll be forever grateful for.

From that point on I became fear’s worst nightmare. I was on a rampage finding out all the things that scared me. Swimming, hiking, public speaking, posting my write-ups online, you name it — I did them all.

When I look at who I am today and where I’m at, I can now see how that single moment played a very massive role.

This reminds me of yet another quote that is so dear to my heart,

“It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen.” — John Wooden

Most of the moments of life-changing transformations are simple and serendipitous. They might not feel so profound in the beginning, but when we act with optimism and faith we open ourselves to a whole new world of possibilities and options.

We must learn to spot such simple moments and maximize them for it is the little things that make the big things happen.



Berthran Benaiah
New Writers Welcome

Writing coach | Top Writer | Growth Enthusiast | Unorthodox Thinker