Time To Smash 5 SEO Myths & Make Way For a Better Ranking in 2023

It’s the time to get the real story out

Sankar Datti
New Writers Welcome
6 min readJan 13, 2023


Photo by omer celik: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-man-holding-burning-newspaper-6109326/

So, get that hammer for me.

I am joking. But yes, there will be much smashing and tearing down ahead in this story.

Do you know what is the biggest problem when it comes to SEO?

No, it’s not the complexity of the matter; it’s the amount of excess (mis)information that surrounds it, ultimately creating confusion. What’s right and what’s not — getting lost in this maze is quite easy.

So, not falling prey to this gamut of half-baked and incompetent information is very important because SEO can make you and can also very surely break you. Hence, caution is a must.

Okay, let’s open pandora’s box now.

1. Keyword density needs to be dense.

Yes, there was a time when the search bots looked for keywords and favored sites that had more of them. But thinking that search engines still function the same way is the kiss of death.

Putting too many keywords on the webpage and thinking that it’s like the blood that will attract the search bots like a shark is foolish. They have a term for this — keyword stuffing. And it’s penalizing.

Keyword research is crucial and a must for ranking on Google. But, it is not equivalent to stuffing the page with the keyword.

Come on; it can’t be that simple and give some credit to the search engines. They are far evolved.

What to do:

So, the no-no part is clear now. What you can do instead is something you would surely want to know.

Always remember — Google works on people-first theory.

You, as a reader, would never want to read something that comes up again and again. Unnatural, right? The same goes for Google.

  • Focus on readability. Make the content engaging and reader-focused.
  • Use semantics and vocabulary to place your keywords strategically.
  • Long-form articles give more leverage to play around with the keyword.

John Mueller, a Webmaster Trends Analyst at Google, says:

We expect content to be written naturally, so focusing on keyword density is not a good use of your time. Focusing too much on keyword density makes it look like your content is unnatural.

2. Just slap links — the more, the merrier.

Ouch!! Because that’s gonna hurt your webpage.

Links surely make up a well-rounded and informative page by giving the readers pages to refer to. But linking websites left, right, and center without a clear strategy will do more harm than good.


Because your readers are not looking for just information; They are looking for reliable information.

And if you start sending them here and there, they wouldn’t like it and decide not to revisit your page. That’s the ‘ouch’ part here.

And this applies to both internal and external links.

Credibility and authority — that’s what you are trying to build here.

What to do:

  • Having an extensive internal linking strategy. Rather than making it an exercise of numbers, make it an activity of building trust with your readers & that they matter to you.
  • Do your research on what’s best for your site.
  • Focus on natural internal links — links that are pertinent and help build your authority on the subject.

3. SEO — a one-time job.

It’s not like pushing a boulder off an abysmal mountain and then watching as it just rolls ahead, gaining momentum every second. If only it were that easy.

But the reality is far far away.

SEO is an ever-evolving, ever-changing, ever-upgrading process. So, being abreast of the changes and what’s working is a necessary skill set. A lot of experimentation, testing, monitoring, and updating ensures that you are still in the run.

What to do:

  • Remain updated. Google changes its algorithm almost every day. So, an in-synch approach with the updates is the only way to avoid undue penalties and missed opportunities.
  • A dedicated team for all aspects of SEO and its peripheral activities. Assuming that it’s a one-time thing and having a basic monitoring team has been the cause of doom for many.

4. There is only ONE best way to implement SEO.

I have worked with several startups and founders, and this one came up much too often. It always took me some time to communicate to them that nothing in SEO is permanent.

What has worked for one company is not the best solution for another. And what is the best solution today will not be the same tomorrow.

The reality is that there are so many many ways to implement SEO strategies. It is not a mathematical formula that can be solved in only one way.

Yes, there are some definite ways that have always helped in SEO, such as engaging and informative content, proper keyword research, etc., but what works best for an organization is:

A combination of several action points.

What to do:

  • Deciding what works best for you. It can depend upon many factors like the type of business (e-Com/SaaS), pre-existing competition, type of industry, etc.
  • Building an SEO strategy backed by proper research is always the best route to follow.

5. SEO is a hit if you have great content.

Content is king. I am not debating that.

But to think that just having great content will do the job — I am here to debate that.

The world has graduated from reading text-heavy content to a wholesome user experience. It is not just about content that is laden with information and value.

How that information is presented is of great value today in deciding the loyalty of the readers.

With the attention span of readers going south, holding it has become the most significant challenge today. So, don’t rely on your content alone. Add the zing to it.

Another aspect that gets easily neglected is the technical part. It can be a real turn down too.

What to do:

  • Make it interactive. Have more actions for your readers/visitors. More engagement ensures more retention.
  • Adopt non-text components like videos, infographics, social engagements, etc., to hold the visitor’s attention.
  • Focus on the readability of the content.
  • Ensure the technical aspects of the page run smoothly — page speed is fast, links are correct, pop-ups are functioning, etc.

6. Social media activities and SEO are not related.

Well, yes, they are not brothers, but it’s not accurate to say they are not related.

Yes, a like on my Twitter post will not boost my Google ranking. For Google, Twitter is another webpage. So what happens there will not directly affect my ranking. So, then, why link the social handles?

Well, it works something like this.

Source: blindfiveyearold.com

An engagement on a social media platform is an opportunity to redirect your visitor to your webpage. And then an option for your visitor to share the content, hence, leveraging the visitor’s reach as well.

So, directly, it does not influence the ranking, but it goes a long way in building your brand and driving traffic to your page, thus helping you with the rankings.

What to do:

  • Build on your social handles and use them to funnel traffic.
  • Adopt the culture of social sharing.

7. ABCDs— Any Body Can Do SEO

I have lent a shoulder to many crying CEOs who have shelled out fortunes to random guys who have promised the moons and stars of SEO.

For the last time — SEO is not like coding or programming that any tech guy can do.

Yes, some technical aspects of SEO require some technical knowledge, but that’s just a small part of it; it’s not the entirety.

SEO encompasses a lot more than calculations and statistics. It entails an understanding of the wider knowledge of the content, market trends, latest updates, user behavior, competition, and much more.

And when you put the lifeline of your digital presence in the hands of someone, it only makes sense to ensure he is the right person to do it.

What to do:

  • Have someone equipped to handle the SEO part — an expert.
  • And get mentored right.


Many things go into making SEO a success. While some are myths, some are true to their worth. While some change overnight, some have stood the test of time.

Knowing to differentiate between the truth and the myths is what will make the difference.



Sankar Datti
New Writers Welcome

Mastering SEO Algorithms,sharing what I learn along the way || Hands-on experience of 25M+ views || 7-figure blogger || Help Founders to be digitally profitable