Times When Life Happens to All Writers

Can we reach common ground?

Fatunla Samuel
New Writers Welcome


A young man Jumping by the sun view. Fatunla Samuel (Times When Life Happens to All Writers).
Photo Created by Author on Canva
  • Do you agree life is really about creating yourself?
  • Does the ball really lie in your court at all times?
  • Is there a possibility that you can control everything?

No one knows for sure because we all deliberate and react to things differently. But we sure can be alike in some things as writers and creatives.

So what goes on in the times when life happens to all writers?

If there is one typical omen that hits all creatives and writers, it is simply Mrs. Hard Head — Life.

Most writers are known to bask in their thoughts and sometimes others, revealing the secrets and thoughts many care not to share. Hence, people with less creative minds would easily assume you have it all under control.

But do you?

  • How do you react to grief when you still have to write a happy story?
  • How do you manage to control your depression while writing a motivating article?
  • How do you ensure you pass a good message to your readers through your article when your mind feels empty?



Fatunla Samuel
New Writers Welcome

I write personal essays and reflective pieces that draw from my life experiences, offering readers insights and lessons to enrich their own lives.