Writing Journey

To My 100 Followers — Thank You

I am so grateful for every single one of you

Malia Gibson
New Writers Welcome


Photo of me enjoying a gigantic margarita

Thank you to everyone who has followed me on Medium so far!

For the past few months, I genuinely appreciate you reading my work, clapping, leaving comments, and following me.

In March, I had already written a few stories here on Medium, but I was terrified about writing and sharing my thoughts and stories regularly.

I’ve heard encouraging advice from others that we should write because of our love for writing and to hone our writing craft, not to impress.

Yet I was still worried about what people might think of my writing or if I could even put together decent blog posts and stories.

Of course, Grammarly helped with grammar, but all of you who followed me helped give me confidence in what I was writing about and my own writing abilities.

Just by reading one of my stories and clicking that follow button, you have no idea how much that has helped my courage to write, and for that, I’m grateful.

I appreciate you all and can’t wait to keep writing to connect with you and other writers and readers. I also can’t wait to keep reading the things you are writing!

Let’s keep creating together!

If you enjoyed the content, please follow me and leave a clap!

I’m an engineer and freelance writer. I’ve worked remotely for five years and have traveled worldwide as a digital nomad. And guess what? If you want to get in touch about writing or travel, my email is: malia.e.gibson@gmail.com

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Malia Gibson
New Writers Welcome

Seasoned digital nomad and traveler who loves conducting thought experiments. Feel free to click: maliagibson.medium.com/about