Two Truths One Lie — *UPDATE*

Let’s find out who guessed right!

Gabby Gabs
New Writers Welcome


Author at 17 years old — Taken by Pat Orr

On August 6th, I decided to join in on the fun and participate in the Two Truths & One Lie Challenge. Now that I have given a full 8 days for responses, I am ready to post the results of the game!

Here is the article if you want to check it out and take a guess, before continuing below to find the answer:

Finally, the truth comes out! The Lie is……..

Photo by Venkat Sudheer Reddy on Unsplash

I was not an athlete when I went on to college.

#1, is unfortunately true.

Author & her ex

Two years post-breakup, one of the great loves of my life was murdered. Although no one was brought up on an official murder charge, I still call it murder — because



Gabby Gabs
New Writers Welcome

Truth Speaker | Born with the gift of “Gab” | Empathic Community Builder| Living Authentically | Nurse | Mama |