Types of People in Workplaces (based on Kitchen Objects)

Ever wondered if we could use the things we see in the kitchen as an analogy for office state of affairs?

Sampada Bhatnagar
New Writers Welcome
2 min readJan 26, 2022


  1. The Knife
Source: Dreamsting

His sharp tongue literally cuts through people’s feelings. So being around this emotion slayer can leave painful impressions and cuts on your mind, every time you commit even a single error.

2. The Mixer

Source: Vector Stock

Be in his team and you know you are done for in grabbing hold of that important client. That’s because, he’s the one who takes on a truckload of vegetables…err work every time without letting any other utensil …err member be a part of the grand plan and ends up making the output into a hotchpotch mess.

3. The Stove

Stove: VS

She is like a necessary part of the workplace because without her right source of motivation and time nothing worthwhile can come out of the coworkers. Take the same set of ingredients..umm problems to her, she would be innovative enough to come out with new recipes.. umm ideas to help you in solving them.

4. The Pressure Cooker

Source: Open Magazine

Perhaps the easiest to guess, this one keeps on building up her anger subconsciously in her head. It might start with a teeny tiny thing but it ends up becoming a huge volcano of issues. So much so that one fine day she simply bursts out, calming down after letting everything out. But scaring the people around her, dreading her next outburst.

5. The Garbage Bag

Source: VS

The poor guy is always dumped on with all kinds of different issues. It's like he is always at the receiving end of a continuous tirade of grumbles which he has no choice but to keep on listening in his politeness.



Sampada Bhatnagar
New Writers Welcome

Writer at The Startup, UX Collective, Geek Culture & Nerd for Tech | Grad Student at IUB | Believer Of Creativity & Curiosity Combo