Unable To Earn From Medium — Here’s What You Should Do

Stephen O.
New Writers Welcome
4 min readNov 3, 2021

Are you unable to earn from the medium partner program because your country is yet to be supported? Fret not! I’ve good news for you.

It hasn’t been long since I started writing on medium even though I have been a member for the past few years — I understand the frustration of not being able to monetize your writings.

Photo by Dan Counsell on Unsplash

A lot of people from Africa I referred to here have stopped writing because of not being eligible for the medium partner program. I’m not going to advise anyone to move to another country to earn from Medium — but I will give you important tips to use this setback as an advantage for earning from your writings.

When we are paid for our writings, it gives us the adrenaline and motivation to keep writing — allowing us to pay our bills.

If you’re from Africa, India, or any other place where medium partner program is not supported - here’s how you can make the most out of writings on Medium;

1. Update your bio with the services you render

Most people don’t understand the power of updating bio on their Medium profile with relevant information. Let people know what you do — while adding a way to reach out to you — if they ever want to patronize you. This does not only apply to Medium but anywhere that you’re currently posting your writings.

Photo by Hannah Grace on Unsplash

For example, I’m a full-time writer who’s not eligible to earn from medium — but that doesn’t mean there won’t be other people looking for the services I deliver on medium. I could just post an informative article as always while indicating the services which I offer at the end of it — with a simple sentence — so it doesn't become spamming content.

So, my advice is to update your bio with relevant information and keep writing on Medium

2. Write what’s related to your career

Ensure that whatever you write and post here is related to the services you provide in reality. If you are a medical doctor, write informative articles in the medical niche.

Here on Medium, I have seen countless informative articles from web developers and designers who share their ways for solving a problem while indicating what they do at the end of the article. This allows people to reach out to them whenever they require their service-which can serve as a way of earning from your writings here.

3. Build connections with like-minded people

If you’re yet to start building connections with like-minded people on Medium, then you’re missing something. By connecting with other people on Medium, people can easily provide feedback to your written tips, ideas, or solutions, while exploring the service you provide at the same time.

Photo by Melanie Denziel on Unsplash

Don’t wait for people to initiate a conversation, read other people's articles, gain the knowledge they want to impact, and interact with them.

4. Write for publications related to your niche

Instead of trying to grow yourself alone on Medium, why don’t you join any publications related to your niche? There’s a lot of publications on Medium accepting both old and new writers to write for them — and the interesting fact is that most of them have a huge audience globally.

So, publishing an article on a publication with a huge audience can make your post go viral. Moreover, you won’t need to worry about getting followers when you post on publication because if your story is engaging, people will be eager to read more of what you’ll write

5. Always write and post informative stories

If you don't write and post informative stories on Medium frequently, then it will be hard for people who read your old stories to determine that you’re still doing what you’re doing before.

For example, if I stopped posting articles related to writing tips for a year on Medium, it will be difficult for people who came across my profile and articles to determine that I’m still offering writing services.

So, write and post informative stories frequently to grow your profile and create awareness of the services you provide.

6. Always use relevant Medium tags and SEO keywords in your stories

While most people might disagree with this method thinking it only works for people who post content on blogs, I’ll agree that it’s working on Medium. Implementing relevant Medium tags and SEO keywords into your article will make it easy to be discovered on Medium and search engines like Google.

If you have been wondering how people’s stories on Medium usually appear on Google search, they do it with this method and you can do it too.

Photo by Merakist on Unsplash

The above 6 tips are methods for earning through Medium if you’re not eligible for the Medium partner program. The purpose of this article is for you to learn about how you can get people to see how knowledgeable you’re in what you do — by providing useful written information that will impress them to patronize you.

I don’t earn from Medium, I only write for fun here.



Stephen O.
New Writers Welcome

Worked as a freelancer for 10+ Years. Open for writing gigs, reach me on Stevedavinci1@gmail.com