Upgrade Your Mind and Body:

The Software and Hardware of Your Own.

David Kit
New Writers Welcome
4 min readJan 29, 2023


A young man is seeking improvement in Hardware and Software of body and mind.
Image by Author using Mid Journey

How to upgrade both your Hardware and Software in Life.

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the Rat Race in society of trying to improve ourselves. We often worry, what if we didn’t manage to catch up? Are we left behind and need to improve? Or do we remain the same over the year and not improve?

The Hardware & Software

We often focus on upgrading our “Hardware”, physical appearance, possessions, or even status. But we often overlook our thoughts, emotions, and inner selves, which play a crucial role in shaping who we are and determining our overall well-being, which is the “Software.”

How the iPhone has gone through countless hardware improvements over the years, from iPhone 3G, the version I get to know about. Until the new year 2023, the iPhone 14, the world is changing and evolving into a better shape. It is also essential for us to constantly strive to improve our software.

How to find who we indeed are?

To truly improve ourselves, we must first understand who we are. It may sound simple, but it can be challenging to identify. One helpful way is to explore the Anti-version of ourselves. For example, it’s easier to remember things we don’t like because our brains are wired to fixate on negative thoughts easier than positive ones.

A young man, staying clam, meditating and finding himself. Understand the flow of Yin & Yang.
Image by Author using Midjourney.

Negative thoughts serve as a warning system that something needs to be addressed. Focusing on what we don’t like makes us more likely to understand better what we want. So please write down the negative idea and work on the opposite side, which is the positive, as a fuel to channel for improving ourselves.

Once we have the idea of a better understanding of ourselves, we can set clear and achievable goals. The key is to be organised and focused without getting easily distracted. Put yourself in “Monk Mode” by setting aside some “Me-Time” daily to focus on your goals and do things you genuinely enjoy.

Put your phone on do-not-disturb mode, and block out any distractions that may disrupt your focus.

Visualise your goal in your mind, picture it and write it down.

Sit down quiet by yourself, feel the flow, visualise the idea, write the idea, and turn into reality.
Image by Author using Midjourney

Visualising our goals is a vital step in achieving them. For example, walking the road without a direction is easy to lose your way because we need to know where to go or even where the destination is. So please write down your goals as much as possible and ensure they are measurable.

Life is a long run of a marathon. Zooming out your perspective and looking at the bigger picture by giving yourself enough time to improve is meaningful. Aiming to develop mastery of the habits to ensure we can walk far in the roadmap to improve ourselves.

Be open mind to everything, as our thoughts create the reality of what we think. Reframe negative thoughts and focus on opportunities instead of problems. This will help us to stay positive and motivated, ultimately leading to a better version of ourselves.

Yoda is sitting on a stone, calm and peaceful.
Image by Author using Midjourney

Lastly, channelling the opposing Force can be helpful in the process of self-improvement. I am taking inspiration from Yoda, a character in Starwar.

You will know the Light from the Dark when you are calm and peaceful. A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defence, never for attack.

By staying calm and at peace, we can understand ourselves and our goals and use that knowledge to defend against negative thoughts and distractions.

In conclusion, we have plenty of time to understand ourselves. Take your own time, go for a walk understand yourself, your goals, and your thoughts. Please write it down in detail and break it into smaller parts, which is much easier to achieve.

By upgrading your hardware and software, you can constantly upgrade yourself with the time flow.



David Kit
New Writers Welcome

As a storyteller, I write to explore and share experiences of learning and self-improvement by integrating personal experiences into creative narratives.