Want to make an exciting adventure? Go for an adventurous eco-trip!

You can use the principles of eco-tourism and make your journeys adventurous as well as ecological. Wondering how?

New Writers Welcome
6 min readMar 13, 2022


Demonstrating eco-tourism in one picture? (Source: Pixabay.com)

Like many other industries, the tourism sector transforms into a more ecological industry. “Eco-tourism” is an innovative terminology used in the industry to reduce the “ecological footprint”. You as a traveler can apply some principles of eco-tourism to make your next trip more adventurous, inspiring, and environmentally friendly.

How can this be done?

I would like to bring the term ´eco-tourism´ closer to you and give some tips on how an adventurous eco-trip can be planned successfully.

What does eco-tourism actually mean?

There are various definitions of eco-tourism from different organizations, institutions, and researchers. However, most of them describe the following characteristics within ecotourism:

  • Experiencing local cultures, adventures, new ways of living, and growing personally by making activities that have never been done before
  • Spending time in nature, sleeping and exploring the surroundings, or staying in an environment that is dominated by agricultural activities and natural landscapes
  • Eco-tourism involves interpretation and education
  • Providing holidays and related services that are protective for the environment and area, as well as local people

So, eco-tourism partially involves staying in a natural environment, making nature-based activities, gaining new experiences, learning about the local culture during the trip, or getting to know local people.

If you make an adventurous eco-trip, you might experience some of the following aspects:

  • Develop a new perspective on certain things
  • Experiencing an adventure from which you can tell your friends and family
  • Learn more about yourself. Your limits and personality
  • Increased complacency because you have successfully completed a challenge/adventure
  • In case you travel with other people, you get to know your travel companion(s) better

Sounds more exciting than laying on the swimming pool or beach during the entire summer holiday, doesn’t it?

Let’s have a look at how you may organize your next trip to ensure that you get all the benefits that come with an adventurous eco-tourism journey.

How to plan your adventurous and environmental-friendly journey:

Photo from: Pixabay.com

You’re undoubtedly aware that you’re unlikely to plan an adventurous eco-trip through a holiday portal with “all-inclusive” deals in large hotel complexes, are you?

Based on my personal experiences, it is best to plan your own adventurous eco-trip whilst making your own decisions regarding the route, activity, destinations, travel companion, and so on. By doing so, you can get the most out of your exciting eco-journey.

But how exactly can you plan an exciting, adventurous, and even eco-friendly journey?

Here are some tips:

At first, ask yourself the following:

  • What nature-oriented adventourus/challenging activity would you like to do during your trip?

How about a mountain hike? Sleeping in the wilderness for a week with only a sleeping mat and a sleeping bag? A multi-day canoe adventure? Riding 400 kilometers on a bicycle within a week?

Ask yourself what innovative experience or activity you want to do during your adventurous eco-journey. Of course, the activity should suit your level of fitness and the experiences you have.
(Climbing the Mount Everest might be too much of an adventure if you have never hiked up a mountain before) ;)

When you have figured out the activity you want to make, you can go to the next step:

  • What is a suitable time frame for your planned trip?

Once you’ve determined a suitable date for your adventurous eco-trip, you could evaluate:

  • Do you need a travel companion? If yes, who should it be?
Who is going to be your travel companion? (Photo from: Pixabay.com)

In my perspective, the most vital ingredient for a successful journey is the right travel partner. If you end up discussing a lot with your travel partner, your journey will probably be more exhausting than exciting and inspiring.

If you are planning a potentially hazardous activity (such as mountain hiking), you should probably take someone with you. It is unlikely, but you could get injured and seek assistance during your journey. Make a wise decision while you consider your level of experience, the risk of the chosen activity, and your fitness level.
And, of course, keep these factors in mind while selecting your trip companion. If you are a well-experienced mountain hiker, your companion should be too.
Now, you’ve decided on a date, the activity, and whether you’ll be accompanied on your journey by a person that you have selected.

Let’s go on to the next phase, which is to organize your accommodation(s) and transportation.

The advantage of planning an adventurous eco-journey:

You do not necessarily need to travel far away from home.

If you wish to climb a mountain, you might have a mountain range in your home country, or in a neighboring state so you can easily access your desired destination by public transport or with a car.
As next, choose for an accommodation that is located in or nearby the environment that is required for your planned activity.
For example: A water-rich environment is required if you are planning to make a canoe tour.

When you have found the right environment, you then can search for the accommodation from where you will start your adventure.

You could use Google Maps for this procedure. It provides you with the information you need and helps you find an accommodation. Airbnb also works well for that.

If required, you also need to find local shops where you can rent the equipment you need for your journey (e.g. canoe rental). Contacting the local rental office in advance is helpful to reserve the required equipment and ensure that your trip is going to be a success!

You now found a suitable accommodation and you know where to get the necessary gear for the trip. In the best case, you already reserved or booked these together with your travel partner (if you have one).

Found a suitable accommodation and rental shop for your eco-trip? (Photo from: Pixabay.com)

The next step: Plan your route

Plan the route from your starting point (booked accommodation) if you are planning to make a bike tour or something similar. I recommend using outdoor apps for this, or Google Maps again to plan a Canoe tour as example.
But do not forget: The route should be planned in line with your level of fitness and experience. If you have never driven Canoe for several days, you might not plan a long and difficult tour.

Also, consider whether you want to take several ‘one-day’ tours or one tour that takes a couple of days. In the case of a multi-day journey, you must plan where and how you will spend the nights (local accommodations, tent, no accommodation?).

The final steps:

Depending on what you intend to do, you may also need to buy certain equipment for your adventurous eco-trip. For example, a backpack, new hiking boots, a gas oven, camping gear, or anything else.
You might also inform some family members or friends about your intended travel and where your tour will take you. If something goes wrong, rescuers will be able to find you more easily.

I was already in some scenarios where I was thinking, “It would be better if someone knew where I am”.
So, I usually inform a family member or close friend about my journey and where I will be located during the trip. Especially when I am going for a hike on my own.
Also, if you have watched the movie “127 hours” with James Franco, you will know why it is better to inform others about your journey.

Here´s also a short Checklist that I made that could be useful for your planning procedure:

A Checklist that can be used as guidance for planning your next adventurous eco-trip

Have you planned everything and do you feel good to go? Awesome!

I hope you enjoy your upcoming environmental-friendly adventure or challenge that will serve you with new insights, perspectives, inspirations, and personal development.

In case of questions, do not hesitate to leave a comment :)

Have a nice day.

Lars from SusEco



New Writers Welcome

Writer and enthusiast on sustainable/green economy and sustaining a healthy, environmental-oriented lifestyle. My website: suseco.net