Welcome to the Social Commerce Era

Why You Can No Longer Afford to Ignore Social Platforms for Business Growth

New Writers Welcome
3 min readNov 30, 2023


Image by Mark König on Unsplash

What is the best e-commerce strategy? Social Media. Why social media is important for online business growth? Well, everyone is always in it. It is a deep black hole of endless information, and if you manage to stay on top of it, you’ll attract a ton of leads via social media.

People today are incredibly dependent on social media, and the number of such platforms is increasing as well. Each platform has different types of audience, and hence you can specifically concentrate on where your audience lies.

Let us break down how social media is transforming e-commerce.

1. Raising Brand Awareness

How would you like to actively engage with your target audience? Social media is the key here. You can share information about product launches, company updates, promotions, etc.

This is the best place to use trending topics and viral marketing techniques. It can massively boost reach and brand recall.

Social media platforms have features like shoppable posts and product tagging, and hence it becomes a discovery channel for new products and launches.

2. Driving More Website Traffic

Here is a recent statistic. Businesses that leverage social media receive 32% more online sales on average. During COVID-19, social media usage surged, and the brands that capitalized on this saw a noticeable growth.

It is in human nature to take the shorter route. In-app shopping options on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and TikTok make the path to purchase shorter.

3. Building Customer Loyalty

Social media is the easiest place for direct interaction between brands and consumers. Quick responses to queries and feedback act as a foundation for positive brand sentiment.

When asked what are the most remembered brands on social media, 51% were the brands that responded to customers.

If a deal comes right in front of your eyes of something that you need, you’ll probably take it, right? Exclusive deals and promotions shared on social media incentivize repeat purchases.

4. Enabling Personalized Marketing

It is a known fact that user-generated content builds trust. Reviews, visuals, and videos provide valuable consumer insights.

Data from social media activity can be used to target lookalike audiences. Basically, it is an easier way to reach the target audience.

Influencer marketing; I know that it is all the hype, but it helps to get into strong networks of social media stars!

5. Streamlining the Shopping Experience

You might have noticed ads and posts popping up based on what you’ve interacted with recently. That is the social media algorithm. It shows us what we want to see. It picks up on our interests and brings it back to us.

It also has hassle-free product tagging that simplifies the checkout process. On top of that, live commerce options make shopping more interactive and personalized.

Final Thoughts

The statistics speak for itself. About 27% of consumers like to find out about new products through social media. 67% of consumers have already shopped through social media. 47% of products are sold primarily through social media apps, as per social media marketers.

There is enough proof that social media is one of the greatest tools for sales. However, not everything depends solely on social media. A fair percentage of consumers have shown a lack of trust in social media apps with card information. Social media is not the “be-all, end-all” but a master key to a larger market. Leverage it!



New Writers Welcome

A curious mind with an infinite love for research and writing. A poet at heart and a content writer in the real world + a creative brain all around. ❤️✨