What Are The Astonishing Reasons Evil People Find Money & Success?

Read point 4 if you want to succeed while being a good person

Zarine Swamy
New Writers Welcome
3 min readOct 29, 2023


Evil people are everywhere
Person in Brown Coat and Black Hat Standing Near White and Black Floral Wall · Free Stock Photo (pexels.com)

Evil people are everywhere.

Or so it seems. They explain away their bad deeds, justifying the unjustifiable. Sometimes they even have a fan following.

Evil people may even truly believe deep down that they are good. They believe they do what they do only because of circumstances.

But, will you really get better returns on your existential investment by being an evil person? This is what my endless research leads me to believe.

1. Good & evil people are similar, so evil people have good chances of success.

Hear me out before you think I spout nonsense. Does good behavior for you mean socially acceptable behavior? Then there might not be much difference between you & an evil person. Because this means you will do the right thing only when someone’s looking. Thinking we only have to conform to social norms & not to our values is at the root of all bad behavior.

Ethics on the other hand makes the difference.

It is that quiet inner voice that whispers to you when no one’s watching. It is the moral compass that ensures your life car doesn’t crash.

2. Evil people have strong beliefs

Evil people show their nasty side because they have a goal in mind. They truly believe that they can achieve their goal only when they act out. This justification is at the core of their evil behavior.

Take the instance of a corporate employee who truly believes they can succeed only with evil politics. They justify their Machiavellian acts by drawing a parallel between themselves & those who seek success with their talents. In their mind the talented cause an imbalance that they have to set right. So they have to use politics as a tool. When the bad ones focus on a goal with their strong justifications & act out, the Universe responds by giving them what they want.

3. Meanwhile evil people are incentivized when they don’t face consequences

We good people fail to correct what is wrong with the world. We only armchair criticize. The global energy crisis, political factions in our little town, or Meghan Markle’s royal escapades. Nothing escapes our petty notice. Meanwhile, the real evil happens elsewhere. And when it stops things from going our way we whine about how the World is unkind to good people. We want our God to deal with evil people so they won’t get in our entitled path.

This kind of thinking, to put it bluntly, is as bad as an evil act. It breeds evil.

There are more good than bad people in the world. The reason you don’t see all that good is because it is passive.

4. Action begets action!

Evil people are different. They don’t mull over consequences which means they also don’t waste time. They would rather act on their evil thoughts than let them fester in their heads. They take action in the direction of their thoughts, so they make an impact. Action wins over being passive, so the bad guy wins more often.

But there is good news yet.

The Universe is like the mirror in Harry Potter, only reflecting your deepest desires.

This means Karma catches up with the bad guys sooner rather than later. Their evil acts reflect back at them & ultimately bring about their downfall. Evil people cannot sustain their ways forever. What does this mean for you, the good person? Nothing. The Universe only waits for you to act.

Occasionally along comes someone who is ethical, non-judgmental & is a doer. These are the people who go down in history for changing the World.

Evil exists as long as good does, but we have the power to make its existence difficult when we act on the good in us.

I am a freelance copywriter interested in being your voice if you want to make the world a better place with your product or service. For blog copy that will increase your business sales, contact me at ethicalbadasstales@gmail.com or DM me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/zarineswamy/



Zarine Swamy
New Writers Welcome

Freelance writer for life coaches, authors & mental health experts who writes about the human journey. My freelance writing website: https://ethicalbadass.com/