Real Life — Mystery — Abduction or Time Anomaly?

What Happened During My Lost Hour?

An Unsolved Mystery Anecdote!

Binky Ink Writing
New Writers Welcome
3 min readDec 27, 2022


Image by KELLEPICS from Pixabay.

It was a normal school day. I followed my routine. I was on time.
And somewhere between leaving the house and arriving at school, I lost an hour, and my memory of what happened during that hour has been wiped.

/cue in the Main Theme from the X-Files

I had class at 8:30 AM. I had to leave at 7:30 AM to get there in time with a bit of leeway. This was back in CEGEP (college) in my first year in 2000. I’d usually wake up between 6:30 and 7:00 AM. (I could get ready to leave the house a lot faster back then.)

I checked the time on my alarm clock when I woke up.
Checked my watch when I left the house to catch the bus.

It was NOT Daylight Savings time. No clocks were moving back or forward. And it was Autumn, so if it were, it would have given me an extra hour since it would…

