What Happens When You Suddenly Quit Coffee?

My experience after quitting coffee for a week

Elias Ebner
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Fahmi Fakhrudin on Unsplash

Recently I decided that I would quit coffee for a while, just to see what would happen.

Here’s my story:


I had been drinking coffee consistently — almost every morning — for months at that point.

Usually two portions every time.

Sometimes I would even drink another coffee in the afternoon, to counteract the afternoon crash.

I didn’t see any downsides when it comes to drinking coffee, I just thought that it made you more awake and that’s it.

At some point, I was working as an intern at a company, where I drank around three to four coffees daily. This lasted for almost a month.

I decided, partially out of curiosity, and partially out of concern for my health, that it would be a good idea to get rid of caffeine for a while.

Before we get into the details, let me tell you: the first couple of days were pretty agonizing.

Right After Quitting

What I mean by “right after quitting” is one or two hours immediately after the time when I would usually drink my two coffees.



Elias Ebner
New Writers Welcome

I talk about self-improvement and business and help you become better 1% at a time. You can also follow me on X (formerly Twitter): twitter.com/elias_ebner_0