Contemplations and reflections on “what is a Soul”?

What is a Soul?

What is your soul’s progress in this life of yours?

Patrick OConnell
New Writers Welcome
8 min readDec 19, 2021


pic of rocks used in meditation
Photo by Bekir Dönmez on Unsplash

The spiritual spark of life

The goal of Surat Shabd Yoga is to realize your true Self as a soul (self-realization), true essence (awareness of the spirit), and true divinity (awareness of God) while living in a physical body. Atma or soul, according to Sikhism, is the essence, or “spiritual spark,” or “light” in our body, thanks to which the body can support life. [Source: 1]

The body is distinctly different from the soul; in the same way, the soul is different from the spirit. However, the soul can identify with the physical body and accept its nature. [Sources: 6, 8]

References to “spiritual progress” or “soul evolution” use this definition because the soul that realizes this is the true identity as part of God is already perfect. In the Jewish sense, being a soul means being a living, breathing person, created by God, embodied in a separate person. [Sources: 6, 7]

The human soul is not a ghost



Patrick OConnell
New Writers Welcome

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