What is faith to you?

The greatest prayer is gratitude!

Andrada Murea
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Jonas Ferlin from Pexels
Photo by Jonas Ferlin from Pexels

Why did I choose to write about this topic? From my point of view, faith should exist in every soul on this earth.

I am not here to change anyone’s beliefs, I do not judge, and everyone has the free will to live exactly as they want. Lately, I don’t hear many people talking about this because they are too preoccupied with money, career, or other material things. But honestly, I don’t think that matters at the end of my life!

I want to point out a difference between religion and faith! There are two different things. I don’t blame religion, but I felt a fear of God until high school. I always thought that maybe HE would judge me and punish me, whatever I did, and my mind considered it inappropriate. I felt scared. When I understood what faith is and that it is different from what it means to be religious.

Didn’t you ask yourself about the fact that so many cultures have a different God or other entities? What is the truth, after all? The truth is FAITH!

God does not mean fear. God does not mean hell or heaven; God is a label to define Him in a certain way. But I think the most appropriate title would be LOVE.

I always felt an attraction to the unknown, I wanted to understand the meaning of life and get closer to God, but I…



Andrada Murea
New Writers Welcome

The power of writing comes from the heart. I am passionate about human healing!