What You Can Discover By Being Alone!

Without feeling lonely

Barbara J. Martin
New Writers Welcome


Photo property of Barbara Martin

I was lonely when I was married, married to the wrong men, that is. I was even more lonely sitting inside my cubicle all day at work making a lot of money with a job I despised.

I felt incredibly lonely having to interact with the constant flow of superficial co-workers and complaining clients, selling a product that I didn’t even care about.

On the outside I had all the trappings of success, but inside I was drowning in the fake world I’d become lost in.

I was lonely at parties, not interested in the company gossip and who was getting promoted. I was a shell of a person pretending to be a shell of a person I didn’t even want to be.

So, I chucked it all, the husband, the job, even our brand new custom built home. I moved to Maine and bought a cross between a shack and a cabin and now live by myself in the woods with my dogs.

And guess what? I’m not lonely anymore!

How can that be?

I found the connection to myself I’d ignored when I’d given up myself for others. The sweet smell of the pines and cry of the seagulls renewed my very spirit, and my loneliness became a thing of the past.



Barbara J. Martin
New Writers Welcome

I live off grid in a small cabin by the ocean in Maine with my two dogs. It's the perfect writer's retreat and love the peace and quiet.