What’s Your Favorite Piece of Writing Advice?

A writing prompt for you inspired by the Medium Blog Team

Connie Song
New Writers Welcome
2 min read2 days ago


Credit Nuthawut Somsuk on iStock images

I was recently inspired by a Medium Blog on the topic of writing advice. It also serves as a prime time writing prompt.

I’ll kick off with my thoughts.

My favorite writing advice?
Keep all your receptors open to stimuli.
Get your inspiration from mundane, simple moments.
You may find yourself connecting with the beauty, the challenges,
the fragility of life.
Words can be your lifeline, your jet plane, your portal, your weapon,
your armor, your mirror, your backstage pass, your abyss, your garden.
Connect with your words and you may connect with your reader.

What are two holistic antidotes for writer’s block?
How about walking and bonding with water?
That often works for me.
Funny how a refreshing shower revitalizes my writing juices.

Who are some Medium writers with awesome writing advice?
I can name a few for now that have inspired me personally with their writing guidance and perspectives.

Roman Newell.
Franco Amati.

Roz Warren, Writing Coach
Kelly Eden | Essayist | Writing Coach

Debra G. Harman, MEd.
J.D. Harms

Check out their amazing writing tips on places like Medium and Substack.

(* Big Sigh * I’m only human, so I’ll amend this list with updates, I’m sure.)

Do you have any favorite Medium writers who share interesting, grounding, focused, creative writing tips or advice?

I’d love to hear a piece of your favorite writing advice in the comments section.

Perhaps a famous writer’s quote that inspires and works for you?
Like Stephen King’s advice — “The writer’s job isn’t to find ideas, but to recognize them.”

Here’s the original piece from a newsletter from The Medium Blog
that inspired all this. Why not give a read? And thanks to members
of the Medium writing team involved:
Harris SockelScott LambCarly Rose Gillis

Here’s the Medium piece. Click below to view and read —

What’s your writing advice? Would love to hear. Please share.

© Connie Song 2024. All Rights Reserved.



Connie Song
New Writers Welcome

Reader | Writer | Poet | Medium Top Writer | Twitter Connie Song 10.