“Where the hell am I even going with this article?”

I have ten different unfinished drafts, and I honestly have no idea how to finish them.

Thomas Pritchard
New Writers Welcome
3 min readDec 5, 2021


Credit: Steve Johnson @ Unsplash

Where the hell am I going with this article? I don’t know.

I’ve been sitting on ten different drafts for days, and I can’t seem to gather the words necessary to finish them.

“Give it time,” I thought. I gave it time. They’re still unfinished.

Where the hell are the endings to my articles? Someone stole them from my brain, or at least that’s what it feels like.

I decided to write this one out of frustration. I’m frustrated because this block isn’t due to a lack of interest. I still love to write. I still have a passion for what I write about. So why can’t I sit down and finish them?

Hell, I’m having trouble writing this one too. Here’s a picture of a Turkey:

Gobble Gobble. Credit: Frank Schulenburg, Wikimedia Commons

“Maybe I should just try to write something new?”

That’s the solution I came up with, back when I still only had three very rough drafts.

I don’t usually learn from the lessons life tries to teach me, so I started writing this one.

They say you should stuff your article with pictures. I’m running out of ideas. And patience. Here’s a bunch of cute animal pictures I found on Wikimedia Commons:

Apparently, this is a Corgi and Jack Russell mix. I don’t know who Jack Russell is, but I’m pretty sure he shouldn’t be allowed near Corgis. Credit: Fuzzywuzzy123
One of the hardest lessons I learned in life is that cats don’t actually want their bellies rubbed. Credit: Umberto Salvagnin
100%. Credit: Dethbool

I know you’ve probably had this problem too. I’m not here to offer you a solution, I’m just here to rant. Hell, many people on Medium might have more than ten unfinished drafts, now that I think about it. If that’s the case then I wish you luck in publishing them eventually.

Maybe someday, I’ll find the words I need to finish the drafts. Or maybe I won’t, and when I turn 75, I’ll suddenly remember that I used to have a Medium account fifty years ago and then log in only to find 30+ unfinished drafts I started but gave up on over the course of many years.

It took me several hours to write just this. I can’t come up with a good way to end it. I only started it to see if I could get my brain jogging, but it didn’t work.

Please pretend you’ve just read the most awesome ending ever to this block of text. Maybe it had something to do with Capybara Supremacy.



Thomas Pritchard
New Writers Welcome

Freelance Geopolitical/War analyst. I cover a whole bunch of stuff. Sometimes i write about history too.