Which FAANG company pays the most?

A workplace with a desired job with a gainful salary sounds like a treat to an employee.

Areeba Writes
New Writers Welcome
4 min readJan 6, 2022


FAANG companies logos

America’s big five tech giants, which is in 2013 described as Jim Cramer’s released five words, acronym FAANG “Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Alphabet (previously known as Google)”.

When FAANG recruit employees, uncountable resumes are on their Email’s inbox. Because after graduating, when a fresh graduate gains a long-term goal, the world’s best tech companies are always on the list to get hired in.

For the job purpose, many to be acceptable candidates aims of working for these companies, but do you know which FAANG company will expect to pay you the most?

FAANG companies’ salary placement:

Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

The employees of FAANG companies are so fortunate in not going through the obstacle of limited salary. Because these tech giants usually pay tremendous salary packages to their employees equalled to different tech firms.

Photo by levels. fyi 2021

Agreeing to the article of levels. fyi 2021, the salary (includes: Base salary, bonus, stock) of an entry-level software engineer at Google and Facebook is $188,000 and $181,000 generally.

The following graph shows up the income package (includes: Base salary, bonus, stock) of a senior-level software engineer.

Photo by levels. fyi 2021

At the senior-level position, software engineers at Facebook and Google earn payrolls of $380,000 and $355,000 approximately.

So if you get employed at any of these FAANG companies, your life will drastically change from low to a high level.

FAANG companies Salary comparison:

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

The pay structure of FAANG companies consists of:

  • Salary
  • Bonus
  • Stock

According to the data of 2021, salary comparison between companies is performed in the order below,

5, Apple:

Salary: $115,617
Bonus: $17,023
Stock: $5,000

Click here to know more about Apple employees salary

4, Amazon:

Salary: $116,117
Bonus: $33,368
Stock: $10,000

Click here to know more about Amazon employees salary

3, Netflix:

Salary: $120,969
Bonus: $17,674
Stock: $6,048

Click here to know more about Netflix employees salary

2, Facebook:

Salary: $123,714
Bonus: $14,838
Stocks: $36,716.

Click here to know more about Facebook employees salary


Salary: $121,898
Bonus: $34,908
Stock: $39,202

Click here to know more about Google employees salary

FAANG highest-paying company:

According to the data, Google ranks as the highest paying FAANG firm. Employees of Google enjoy the largest income benefits among other tech companies.

Google has stepped in as the most competitive firm in the market, with competent employees. So major salary packages are on-demand against the controversial commercial strategies of other big tech giants.

How to get employed in Google:

Photo by Benjamin Dada on Unsplash

Google believes in quality upon quantity in their hiring process. They hold that applicants should be more diversified in presenting their perspectives and experiences. Furthermore, before sending resume following things, a candidate should be kept in mind:

  • Self-analyzation is a must at the time of job search.
  • Update resume according to job-matching skills.
  • Apply online on their website.
  • For up to three jobs candidates can apply every 30 days.
  • After the application confirmation process, an interview can be taken as an online assessment.
  • If candidates do not receive a reply from recruiters within two months, it will be self-explanatory that another candidate is employed for that particular job.


Employees at FAANG are highly desired by other tech companies worldwide. Their focus on providing promising corporate careers made others aim to be a part of their work team.

Every coming year FAANG plans to bless their employees with high salaries and help them to achieve lifetime planned career opportunities throughout their lives.

So graduates what are you standing by for, do apply now, became a part of FAANG and don’t forget to place Google as your initial priority because the workplace which pays most attracts potential employees.

Areeba Memon ~ 6/1/2022

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Areeba Writes
New Writers Welcome

I'm Areeba, a part-time blogger sharing reflections on daily life to help you see things a little clearer.