Why 1 Clap? When You Can Give Up To 50 Claps Per Post!

In Medium you can clap up to 50 times per post and you can clap as many posts you want. The more you like something the more you can clap.

New Writers Welcome
2 min readJan 3, 2022


Photo of a neon lights showing instagram
Photos by Prateek Katyal on Unsplash

When we talk about the clap feature in Medium many of us may think it's useless but that's not true. It may not be able to help you in the ranking factor but it will gonna help you in reaching new audiences.


Every one of us uses social media, it can be Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. So as an example imagine that you're seeing a post with 1000 likes: it can be an article or any picture, but at that moment you'll think that that is a nice post. See that's how likes help to boost engagement. The more likes you have the more engagement you are going to get.

That's exactly how claps work on Medium, the more people will clap your post and the more engagement you are going to get.

And the most amazing fact about claps is that on Medium you can clap up to 50 times per post. So if you like someone's post then you can support them by clapping more than once.

So exactly what I want to say is “Why 1 clap, when you can give claps up to 50 times per post and for as many posts you want.”

Btw you can give 50 claps to this post also.

