Why am I Hesitating to Write? — 5 Ways to Get Over It Now

Writers: If you are scared and hesitant to put words on paper, you are not alone.

Sabina Ahmed
New Writers Welcome
3 min readSep 3, 2023


Photo taken by Anthony Tran on Unsplash.

I will tell you a little secret many writers may not admit.

When we first start working on something, whether that is an article, web copy, or even a medium article, there is sometimes a tiny voice in our head that tells us, ‘Is anyone even going to read this?’ or ‘Is this even good enough to publish.’

This anxiety, even before you put your first word down, is an actual, natural phenomenon.

It is almost when you first learn a new craft or activity. In the beginning, you need help figuring out how to start and how to go about it. This is different than writer’s block.

Writer’s block is when you cannot decide what to write about.

Writer anxiety is when you know exactly what to write about but are hesitant to start.

Let’s learn how to overcome this and help you get to it.

5 Things You Can Do Today

1. Believe the More You Write, the Better You Will Get
This is the most important one because if you are a logical person and fear your work isn’t good enough, then just by taking the plunge, you are already taking the first step to becoming a better writer.

Professional writers differ on many things but will all agree on one: the more you write, the better you get. And here’s the best part: soon, the anxiety you get in the pit of your stomach before you even write your first word will fade. Because with practice comes confidence.

2. Have a Plan
I cannot stress how important this is. See, part of your anxiety is not knowing how to put your words down or not knowing the outline or layout of your work.

Having an outline that tells you how much you need to contribute towards each part of your article gives you a goal to work for and helps you organize what you want to write because you can make every word count. Now you know precisely how many words you have to convey your thoughts.

3. Shutdown Distractions
Distractions are always an easy out. The convenient excuse we can use to say we didn’t get around to starting that article.

Shut it down.

Close all tabs and put your phone on silent or airplane mode — schedule time to write and take it seriously. No excuses.

4. Consistency is Key
Do you know what all the best writers have in common? They are always consistent.

Sometimes, you get a sudden urge to write and put all of your thoughts down, which is entirely normal. But remember, not writing consistently puts you back to where you started.

Write every day. It doesn’t have to be a complete article; it can be anything. Practice free writing for 30 minutes, where you write whatever comes to your mind.

5. Read More
And my last tip may surprise you. But it works.

Reading helps us put our thoughts to words more efficiently because our brain is exposed to vocabulary that we can use in our writing. Pick up a book if you need help expressing something in words. You will be surprised how it helps to articulate thoughts you couldn’t before.

Writing is a Craft

I leave you with this:
We are artisans who create beautiful pieces of art that move and inspire people daily. It is not perfect, and it is no small feat. And it is okay if you feel overwhelmed by this responsibility.

Believe in yourself, take a deep breath, and write.

You will only make it to the other side once you write your first word.

