Why do people feel the need to post everything on social media?

How to detox from social media

Adem Rama
New Writers Welcome


Photo made by: Alexander Shatov

Social media can provide a lot of benefits. But if you are spending all your time uploading every moment of the day to your profile, it might be time to think about detoxing from social media.

I think that social media can have horrible effects on mental health and relationships, as well as lead to bullying or job loss. It’s also hard to stay connected with reality when you’re constantly looking at everyone else’s “filtered”, glowing lives.

Whether you’re a teenager or an adult, ask yourself if you need to post everything on Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, or even Pinterest. The answer is probably no.

If you find yourself asking questions about your social media obsession, here are some indicators that you might be addicted:

  • You feel the need to check on your social media feeds first thing in the morning and first thing before you go to bed at night. You spend more than half of your internet time on social media.
  • You feel nervous, moody, or upset after someone comments on what you post online. You feel bad when people don’t “like” something that you post.
  • You feel like you have to copy that other couple’s picture because it looks…



Adem Rama
New Writers Welcome

I am an 21 year old entrepreneur who loves to inspire people .