Why Do We Love Playing Puzzles?

Don’t tell me you’re not one of them.

Winnie Zhang
New Writers Welcome
2 min readJul 20, 2022


Image by PIRO4D from Pixabay

When you play puzzle games with a paperboard or on your phone, have you ever thought of the question ‘why do you love to play them’?

Why We Love Puzzles

You may not have noticed, but puzzles are actually really entertaining. You might get frustrated when you are stuck in one place for years because you cannot find that puzzle piece, and relief when you find out that the correct puzzle piece is right in front of you. This happens every time, and even if an incomplete puzzle can be upsetting, you will find out that you have been sitting there and playing for hours and hours. You might not feel it, but your actions and the energy you put into it shows that you like it.

People have different abilities and interests, but that doesn’t affect their love for puzzles, because puzzles contain all of those aspects. This is because there are all types of puzzles, for example, if you like sport, then play the sports puzzle, or if you like a maze, then you can try out the maze puzzle.

Benefits of Playing Puzzles

You might have noticed that after you play puzzles for a certain amount of time, you learned to be patient. Puzzles are challenging, and they might take forever. Many people like to finish puzzles because they want to see the final product after all the time they used up, and this idea causes you to constantly work through the puzzle and slowly develop and improve your patience.

Puzzles also help with your memory. Now you might say: I understand how playing puzzles help develop your patience, but how would it help with your memory, not like you have to remember anything. Actually, puzzles can reinforce connections between brain cells and improve mental speed, which can largely improve your short-term memory. In fact, when people play jigsaw puzzles, they usually try to remember how the different pieces fit as a whole, and this can strongly improve their memory.

In conclusion, puzzles are great games that you can engage in with your family and friends. There are many benefits and even if you are not interested in it, you can still play it if you have time in order to strengthen yourself.


MasterPieces, “Here’s Why You Should Play Puzzles More Frequently”, https://www.masterpiecesinc.com/in-the-news/heres-why-you-should-play-puzzles-more-frequently/, Sep. 29, 2021

Progress LifeLine, “The benefits of puzzles for the brain”, https://www.progresslifeline.org.uk/news/the-benefit-of-puzzles-for-the-brain/#:~:text=Working%20on%20a%20puzzle%20reinforces,to%20improve%20short%2Dterm%20memory.&text=Puzzles%20increase%20the%20production%20of,as%20we%20solve%20the%20puzzle., Jan. 28, 2022



Winnie Zhang
New Writers Welcome

Love to write about poetry and life lessons. Interested in genres like fantasy and adventure.