Why Does Everyone Have To Be The Same As You?

Embrace the differences.

New Writers Welcome
2 min readJun 11, 2023


Photo by Max Ovcharenko on Unsplash

Many times I have seen people fight, mostly verbally and sometimes physically, just because they have different beliefs, they have different interpretations of the same thing, they have other points of view of the same things, and they perceive things differently from one another.

In simple words, just because someone is different from them.

I just want to ask why everyone must be the same as you. Can’t a person have different views? Its brain is different from yours, its upbringing may be very different from yours. He may have lived in a society very different from yours.

If all the people were the same, thought similarly, there would be no innovation in the world, there will be nothing in the name of creativity.

That’s what most people don’t understand.

People think differently and share different points of view, that’s how new things and technologies and creative work and every other thing develop.

Different perspectives lead to new ideas.

Let others think differently, let them have their own opinion about things.

Don’t impose your opinions and beliefs on others. Share them, but don’t impose.

If someone talks about something with a different perspective than yours, don’t try to prove him wrong or get afraid or angry or sad or any other negative emotion.
Embrace that he gave you a different perspective than yours and if it’s good, merge it with your perspective and grow!

That’s what makes us different from other animals. We can think differently and get creative with things. We can create! So let us all embrace this quality of ours.

What do you think about it? I would love to get your views!

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Thank you and happy reading! :)



New Writers Welcome

I write about a variety of topics. I like to study human behaviour, psychology, philosophy. So mostly I write articles around these topics.