Why I “Cheated” to Get to the 100 Follower Mark

And why I’m still “cheating” to go above and beyond

Noelle R. Beauregard
New Writers Welcome


Photo credit: Jerzy Gorecki via Pixabay

As many of you have likely done as beginning Medium writers, I started reading every “How to Get 100 Followers in X Days” post I could get my hands on, many of which I have found to be incredibly helpful.

I’ve linked to a few at the bottom that really helped kickstart things for me.

The basic gist of most of these articles is: try the suggested tactics in the article, leave a comment below, interact with others who left comments that are also still looking to hit the 100 follower mark, and voila.

It actually worked. I hit up a couple of these posts, clapped for each comment, and genuinely interacted with each person. I went from 21 followers to over 100 in just over 24 hours. Boom.

For many, the 100 followers mark seems daunting. Another hurdle before being able to start -potentially- earning money from your writing. I promise it’s a very small barrier to entry. It’s meant to sift out the people who will see the requirement, throw their hands up in exasperation, and give up before they’ve even started. You’re reading this, so I already know you’re more tenacious than that. ;)



Noelle R. Beauregard
New Writers Welcome

SEO Certified Copywriter/Content Marketer/Editor/Ghostwriter for hire. ✉️ Email: NoelleRBeauregard@gmail.com