Why I Never Desire Sympathy From Others, And You Should Too

Yes, it’s true. Personally, sympathy is not very important. It is the social activity of life.

Aryan Arya
New Writers Welcome
3 min readJan 18, 2022


Photo by SHEETS production from Pexels

My teacher said one day, “sympathy is begging”. Let’s discuss it more.

Upon hearing the sentence, I was wondering what he really meant by ‘sympathy’.

Do we really need ‘sympathy’?

Is ‘sympathy’ important to humans or just a fake invention? And if it is important, then should we be regular to others in expressing sympathy to them? To how much extent should we express sympathy?

Let’s answer all the questions one by one,

Why do we need sympathy- (https://qr.ae/pG3lr3) With reference to this Quora answer, we, humans, can be in a need of ‘validation’. As a child, we are validated on our actions by our parents. This helps us to correct some mistakes and to do what is believed to be right by ‘them’. When we grow up and we no longer have parents to guide us, we look for people like colleagues, friends, or relatives to believe in our actions and when they conform, we feel good.

What did we learn — That being validated by others to support our beliefs is in fact sympathy.

Our next question: is sympathy important?- To me, sympathy is not very important. I don’t compare myself to others that will produce in me any negative feelings for which I should acquire others’ sympathy. I don’t want to be validated because I am confident. But, when I am disturbed because of something, I reach out to friends who are wise and offer advice. I think this is the form of sympathy we all need.

Sympathy is a very silly addiction.

I think all we need is help and intelligent support from others to solve our problems. Sooner or later, we all should come out of whatever funny space we were present in.

Sympathy is important as it helps others to know that we empathize with their feelings and are willing to do something that will help them understand their situation. It leads to a strong relationship.

So, sympathy’s not fake, however, there should be a limit to it. We can only sympathize with someone as long as it helps them solve their problem.

Does Sympathy affect our social or moral behavior?- According to Wikipedia, ‘Sympathy’ is the cause of our prosocial acts: such as volunteering, donating, sharing, helping, and cooperating with others. All these acts are crucial to the development of our society.

Sympathy is also the cause of altruism, for example, the moral tendency to help someone’s child in an emergency or to take care of dogs, nature, climate, etc.

Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

Sympathy is a core value or principle in many religions.

Considering the growth of the world, sympathy is important as it is important to help others, share our resources, donate and perform many tasks to protect the people and the environment. On a personal scale, it can be compulsory, however, it should not be overdone.



Aryan Arya
New Writers Welcome

I am here to earn money by sharing my knowledge with the world.