Why I will never stop Writing about Myself

Personal writing is a thing, man.

Amy Rosie
New Writers Welcome
2 min readDec 15, 2021


Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

If you want to gain more popularity on this platform, stop writing about yourself — this was the essence of a few articles I read on Medium recently. Those articles had a lot of engagement and support as well. And I was like, oh boy…really?

Do people only want to read about the life of writers who are trending or are from the eighteenth century? Being an insecure writer always pondering about whether I amount to anything in this field, these articles tugged at my inspiration.

Personal thoughts and stories may not be catchy enough but is that a viable reason to not chronicle them? Before Medium, yours truly firmly believed there is nothing wrong in writing about oneself (as long as it is not offensive or any kind of boasting). After reading through a wave of critiques on self-writing, I got confused.

I have trouble coming up with ideas to write about. It has always been like that. When I am pressed about being caught up in a dearth, my mind automatically turns on self-reflection. And that results in a ramble. I jot it down without thinking twice and later tailor it to have a decent-looking write-up in hand. My first article on Medium was one such attempt.

Reading someone’s self-expression can be extremely boring for some. For many others though, it could be interesting, reflective or even informative. I am of the latter category — I have acquired life-changing advice from random people writing about their life, mistakes and/or success, and I’d be blessed if I could influence my readers that way.

A previously closeted friend of mine took inspiration from a personal coming-out story of someone on the internet to work towards hers. My uncle who was going through a rough patch after his divorce found relief and motivation to begin again after reading up on countless stories of people who were in similar circumstances.

That being said, every piece of writing you record about yourself need not be influencing or inspiring. It can be a random thought you had in mind this morning. It can a very silly event in your life that you found hilarious. Anything.

Your ramblings are worth it.




Amy Rosie
New Writers Welcome

Moonchild. Agoraphobic. Bisexual. Works on books and caffeine. English honours and Literature major.