Why I Write

What Purpose Does IT Serve?

Graham D. Cooke
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Author

Such a very good question.

I write both for pure enjoyment and for a living. In regards to that first thought, I just enjoy writing (period!). Secondly, any thoughts in my head, creative or helpful to others, whether spontaneous, planned or by any infrequent contract to write or edit for a client, that generates an income, I consider that writing for a living.

When I can, I attempt to help others: both voluntarily; and, with the intention of generating an income.

I may not be completely altruistic in all my intentions. But, I live a simple, humble lifestyle. I rent a small “cabin” where if I can pay the bills, i.e. to keep a roof over my head, at least one room heated well and the water flowing, I’m happy. Food, I typically don’t worry about, as you will have noted before in “A Minute of Your Time, Please.”

Not read “A Minute of Your Time, Please?” I’m only suggesting you do.
It’s not required reading. I use it to explain in 3 minutes or less, using a 50–50 approach, to describe myself succinctly and illustrate…



Graham D. Cooke
New Writers Welcome

Accidental published author 🧔 Technical writer & editor (25+ years) ... Medium editor (14 pubs) 🕵 ”medium.com/@graham.cooke.cts/about"