Why People Can’t Start on Things, They Really Want to Work on

Not because of time. Read on to find out.

Poonam Bhatt
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash

Why can’t people start on things, they really want to work on?

Well, one factor is TIME.

However, I find the very same people, I scroll endlessly on the mobile app.

Aaha…Caught them all.

Though not completely their fault.

The very purpose of these apps is to make all glued to them.

(This is altogether a different topic and will talk about it in some other story)


Well, according to me, It can be one of these five reasons.

1. People wait for perfection

You can’t be perfect in anything at the start.

However, you can improvise once you start.

Perfection is the by-product of consistency.

For perfection to come, you have to START and learn along the way.

2. People wait for motivation to come their way

Motivation is NOT a good friend.

Since it will leave you when you need it the most.

So just START, be consistent, develop a habit, and win your game.

3. People have the guilt of “Being Too Late to Start”

The guilt of “I wish I would have started last year”, is going to be there.

If you do not want to regret over same guilt next year too, then START NOW.

4. People get stuck in Analysis Paralysis

Too many options and research make anyone dumb.

So, a person can’t choose what to start with.

START ANYWAY with one path, and if you find it is not appropriate then feel free to change it.

But first START to find out, if it is worth it or not.

5. People worry about failing

You are definitely going to fail in anything you do, my friend.

You will fail on the first attempt and might be on the second attempt as well.

The third attempt will bring more clarity and confidence.

But, on the fourth or fifth attempt, you will succeed, my friend.

So go on…but before that, you have to START.

Can you add more reasons to these? If yes, then plz comment.

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Poonam Bhatt
New Writers Welcome

Ghostwriter/Copywriter: I help businesses write LinkedIn & Medium posts, Newsletter & Email | Content Writer for Self-improvement & Wellness niche-SEO Blog Post