Why Professionals Are Becoming Disengaged in Their Jobs

The 4 Reasons You Can’t Ignore

Nestor Laverde
New Writers Welcome
3 min readMar 24, 2023


Photo by Matthew Osborn on Unsplash

I will tell you a family secret: my younger brother suffers from depression. For him, it’s not an illness, it’s the dominant characteristic of his life. Sometimes he’s sad, occasionally desperate. He loses interest in activities that he usually enjoys, and he doesn’t enjoy being around other people much. He prefers to be with his cats, who seem to be the only ones who understand him.

A couple of weeks ago, he quit his job. He told me he couldn’t take it anymore. The work environment was toxic, and being so sensitive, he had to leave.

His story got me thinking about what’s happening in companies where this kind of thing happens. I understand that my brother is a little more sensitive than the rest of us, but he’s not alone.

After several days of thinking about this issue, I came to these conclusions. Join me in analyzing them and tell me what you think about them.

There are four explanations for the decreasing engagement of professionals in their jobs.

While some may not understand or may take offense, there are four practical and respectable reasons why people are increasingly unwilling to give up their lives for a job. If possible, they would never return to their current jobs again.

The reasons have to do with the fact that most jobs:

  1. Provide very little meaning.
  2. Drain our energy and hinder the rest of our lives.
  3. Do not generate any sense of belonging.
  4. Do not guarantee us a minimum level of tranquility.

What a bunch of hippies, right?

People expect their jobs to provide some meaning, leave them with some energy to enjoy the rest of their lives, feel loved and recognized, and want to sleep peacefully… what a bunch of lazy people!!

Where are we headed?

(Irony mode off)

You don’t need to study psychology and get a master’s degree in neurobiology to understand that people become engaged in jobs that provide meaning. We engage where we are part of a group that appreciates, recognizes, and protects us. Where, after completing our tasks, we still have the energy to live.

It’s what any human seeks, even though some may think these are privileges that shouldn’t be accessible to everyone.

So, if you lead the human resources department or hold a leadership position, think about this.

You may be concerned about the lack of engagement and commitment from employees, especially from the new generations.

It may be time to take a look and see if, by chance, we relate this lack of commitment to any of these points.

Time to reflect?

Hi, I’m Nestor Laverde. Thanks for reading me.
If you’re interested in motivating yourself through rock, marketing, and space thrillers, you’ve come to the right place.

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Nestor Laverde
New Writers Welcome

A Lovecraftian Metalhead who wants to motivate you with weekly stories about , rock, introversion, libertarianism and cosmic horror.