Why Readers Should Be Writers

Writing is not some fancy title reserved for those who pursue it full-time

Aaron Masse
New Writers Welcome
3 min readJun 24, 2024


A woman with a comfy sweater writing with a pen
By uns__nstudio On Unsplash

Our society has singers, artists, fighters. Policemen, doctors, lawyers. Teachers, students, and gamers. What do all these people have in common? They all of something to write about.

What is writing?

Writing is the formation of letters to express words and ideas

This is the universal definition that will be used for this article. Seeing as you are reading this article, I’d say you are qualified to participate!

Start before you are ready

- Steven Pressfield

Why You should write?

When I say, readers should be writers, what I’m really saying is everyone should be writers. Everyone reading this that is.

Let’s get into the meat and potatoes of this article. There are many reasons why you should write. The point I want to emphasize is the fact that you are the only person in the whole world who can share every nuance of your life.

Sure, for 1 billion dollars you can pay J.K. Rowling to write a story about you. But even the best are going to miss out on details that you wouldn’t miss out on. What you have is priceless.

You should write, but not for an audience

This is terrible advice for monetization, but when you’re a bad writer your goal should be to improve first. When I was just starting to write, you know, to see if I liked it, I’d write articles with no consideration for the reader. I’d find myself typing away on the keyboard just so I can further understand how I REALLY feel about something.

Let’s call it, selfish writing. I understand I have a lot of value to give by talking about topics everybody wants to listen to, but just because everybody else wants me to write about it doesn’t mean I want to. There’s no obligation to either.

All writers are vain, selfish, and lazy, and at the very bottom of their motives there lies a mystery.

- George Orwell

New purpose

Writing can be a new purpose for someone, just like it’s been for me. Writing helped me find purpose during a time when I felt like it was impossible.

At the time I was waiting for my life insurance license to come in so I could start selling, During the waiting period, I had no purpose since I was unable to work.

I felt like a moving corpse.

- The Auther

Writing gave me something to do. My EQ increased, I found a healthy outlet for my emotions, I learned to express myself and so much more.


I felt it would be helpful to summarize everything we spoke about in bullet points. This is why readers should be writers.

  • You build a desired skill
  • Only you can explain your personal experiences perfectly
  • You get the opportunity to express yourself
  • There is a chance you’ll build an audience
  • You gain a healthy coping mechanism
  • Writing is a high-quality hobby that others would love to hear about
  • You already have an advantage by being a reader
  • Writing increases EQ
  • You potentially gain purpose

I’m assuming you want to start writing now right? The idea of opening up a blank page with a vision of filling it with titles, images, and bullet points must be super appealing. I should write a part two for this. What do you think of the title name? “Why everybody and their moms should write,” I think it’s got a great sound to it.

If you’ve gotten this far but still don’t think you should write on medium, what’s holding you back? You should write about it, you may feel better.



Aaron Masse
New Writers Welcome

I want to speed up your self-discovery process through my writing. Newsletter: ⬇️⬇️ https://selfexamination.substack.com/