Why Swimming is the Best Activity for Your Not-So-Active Child

Dr. Lori Fishman
New Writers Welcome
3 min readNov 1, 2021


We all know that our kids need to be active. Unfortunately, many children would prefer to spend time on TikTok or their Playstation rather than move their bodies or play outside.

Sports can provide great exercise opportunities for children — but what if your child is just not that into soccer? Or has social anxiety? Or is developmentally challenged and can’t follow the rules of the game?

These are just some of the reasons why swimming is a great option for physical activity. Here are some of the common reasons why parents tell me they avoid daily exercise and why swimming is the answer to ALL of them!

“My child would go outside and play but it is too hot (cold, rainy, icy…etc).”

Indoor swimming pools are typically open year-round and are not dependent on the weather. They can be a refreshing option for children who complain about getting “too sweaty” when they play outside.



Dr. Lori Fishman
New Writers Welcome

Top Writer in Parenting. Child Psychologist & Parent Consultant. Single Mom. Lover of 80’s Rock Music.