Big Brother Season 8

Isolation, Loneliness, Disconnect! Why Was I so Excited to Sign Up for a Reality Show

How I survived a week of isolation before entering the hit CBS Big Brother House

Kail Harbick
New Writers Welcome
6 min readAug 27, 2022


#CBS Big Brother Season 8 Houseguest, Kail Harbick
Photo by Philip Alan Photography

With a suitcase in one hand and the official Big Brother duffel bag in the other, I entered a hotel room. My handler stood next to me. I hid my shock when I noticed the television — and the phone — were removed from the wall.

No television, no hotel telephone, no cell phone, and no room-key. Here we go again. I was not allowed to leave my room under any circumstance, for a week.

The handler went through my suitcase and took out all the shirts that had logos on them. She also went through my make-up bag and made sure I didn’t have any pencil eye-liner or sharp objects. It’s my understanding they don’t want sharp objects in the house in case a fight breaks out.

The bag search ended and she offered me a portable DVD player and displayed four different DVDs. “Pick something you want to watch.” My choices were past Big Brother seasons or cartoon movies. This was their idea of TV. I chose a past Big Brother season.

She handed me a coloring book with about 5 crayons. I thought, are you serious? It was about this…



Kail Harbick
New Writers Welcome

Hi, I’m Kail Harbick. I am best known for my appearance on the CBS reality television show Big Brother, season 8. Top writer in Television and Inspiration