Why You Should Never Stop Learning?

The importance of being a forever learner

Anisha Shah
New Writers Welcome
2 min readAug 23, 2023


Photo by Adam Winger on Unsplash

“The only constant of life is change”. This may sound cliche, but it’s a bitter truth. We are always taught from an early age to study hard and settle. It’s a good idea and maybe the safest one. But it’s not something you can aim for in today’s fast-paced, ever-changing world. If you don’t update yourself with the technologies that are coming up, the AI revolution that has begun, and its endless possibilities, you are bound to lag.

If you don’t learn now you can never catch up. While this might sound frightening it is also a chance for us to keep learning new skills and make ourselves aware citizen who understands the world’s working.

Here are a few ways by which one can embrace the path to being a lifelong learner:

  1. Online courses: Keep taking online courses on online learning platforms or even on YouTube. You can find courses you are interested in and can learn them along with your job. Taking courses will keep you motivated to learn more and expand your horizons.
  2. Read books: Books are an important means of educating oneself. Reading non-fiction books on a particular subject will help you learn better and even help you understand it better.
  3. Traveling: Save some money and travel to a place you have never been before. This will help you understand the culture of people living in different places. You will also have a broader view of the world.
  4. Keep a side hobby: Practicing a hobby and taking some time to learn the same will also help you improve, teaching you the art of patience and perseverance.
  5. Be curious: If you heard or read about something new try finding out more about it. Search it online or ask for it in Chat GPT or even Claude to get a better idea about the same.
  6. Talk to younger people: Connect with someone younger than you and discuss recent developments. They are the ones who will know better about the new trending app or the new events that are occurring.

By learning new things your confidence will build up, and you will discover your strengths in newer spheres where you never thought you could be good at. Moreover, you will understand the world better and in turn will be less judgemental and build a better perspective towards people.

Even by following these, there will always be things we will never know. But the only cure is to keep learning and keep trying. And as Steve Jobs said in his famous speech, “Never settle”.



Anisha Shah
New Writers Welcome

Aspiring writer embarking on first writing journey. Voracious reader and a compete nerd. Honing the craft of writing through blogs, stories and poems.