Why Your Memories Are Not Special

And, why you should go against your gut feeling

Hannah Noorheim
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Jess Loiterton fra Pexels

The Last Great American Dynasty by Taylor Swift is one of the songs I listen to and picture it like an end credit song in the movie of my life. I see myself on a big screen and I think “ This is the moment I have been waiting for. This is the end.”

Am I the only one that feels this way about specific songs?

Perhaps it's the feeling of immortality that comes with being young that leaves my body for a moment. A reminder to myself that I will in fact not live forever. And realizing that is scary.

I'm still figuring out what this weird feeling is. If it's just me or a commonly known thing among young adults. Perhaps, most people forget this when they get older. Or does just nobody talk about it?

It hits me that maybe this feeling is about letting go. Not letting go of life, but rather exhausting thoughts and memories. Good ones too. And when I come back to this song I get the feeling of letting go.



Hannah Noorheim
New Writers Welcome

Hi! I’m a Scandinavian hobby writer. I write about Mental health & self-development, slow fashion & environment. Would love to share with you!