Why Your Self-Help Articles Are Not Worth It!

Including mine

Manu Sharma
New Writers Welcome
3 min readMar 25, 2022


Me, after reading another self-help. (Image by Unsplash)

In the past 3 years, I’ve read at least 50+ self-help books. Some bored the heck out of me and some left me with a different mindset and actually helped me.

I noticed the pattern in all those books. When the author narrated a story while teaching me, I learned better.

I, to be honest, can not read more than a paragraph if it’s only about DO THIS or DO THAT.

We all know we are visual creatures. You must have read this line in 100s of articles or books. So take this as a hint. We create images while we read or listen to anything.

We love movies and binge-watch any series. We get attached to the characters. We sometimes follow our favorite characters and behave like them.

Through stories, we read, listen, create with every word. So we learn with every word.

What we did as a self-help teacher(I tried to be the one.) We advised without people asking. And when we do answer people or suggest people without their consent. They get bored. They don’t even take interest.

If you say your story about some milestone you’ve achieved and what you learned from it, people learn from it without even knowing.

If I read:

Wake up early at 5 AM, it’s good for your health. You get to see the sun. You finish your work faster. You can go jogging and be healthy. You will reach new heights.

I am going to close the book or the article as soon as I can because I know this all.

We all know.

Instead, you can say:

Here’s a story about Melvin and Kevin. They both were friends and used to study together.

Melvin wanted to start a business but he couldn’t manage the time because of his full-time job. So he started waking up early and working on his business before and after his job. In 3 years he became a multimillionaire with his business success and left his job too. Now he is enjoying his life freely in his beachside bungalow with his 5 dogs and a wife.

On the other hand, Kevin worked at a job full time and woke up at 9 AM, went to work from 10–5 PM then took a rest, scrolled the TikTok. Watched Netflix until 2 PM, didn’t focus much on his work. And one day he got fired from the job.

This story created images and I learned from it. But if you are going to tell people fake stories with fake names like this, it is not going to work 100% as you want it to. 
Instead of this, try creating your personal experience with everything you want to teach people.

Are you waking up at 5 AM?
What did you learn from the experience? How did you follow the steps and how hard it was for you? How did you survive it?

Write that.

Also, read this amazing article written by VRITANT
It will help you to understand the storytelling.

Hope it helps in your writing. Till then,

Keep reading!💜



Manu Sharma
New Writers Welcome

Freelance Writer & Editor and YouTuber @ThePenguinEmoji