Writers, This Bug Attacks All Who Want To Achieve The 100-Followers Requirement

and is important for all who wonder whether they have been blocked by Medium.

Kristina God, MBA
New Writers Welcome


The 100-Followers Requirement on Medium
made with Canva by Kristina God

Today, several new writers reached out to me in panic.

Here’s the latest email I received from Charlie Garrett:

I have been clicking to follow many who are scrambling to get their 100 followers (me too).

Suddenly, when I click to follow someone, it flashes to following and right back to follow.

So I am unable to follow anyone.

Since I heard this several times today, I checked it myself.

Before you go maniac read this

Here’s my experiment:

The moment I followed Charlie the follower count was still 69.

When I came back to Charlie’s’s profile I wasn’t his follower anymore.



Kristina God, MBA
New Writers Welcome

Bestselling Substack writer I Marketing Expert I Top Writer I Helps you write, market and monetize your writing.⚡ Sign up: https://kristinagod.substack.com/