Writing and Motherhood

Balancing the demands of family and creativity

Amy Barlowe
New Writers Welcome
3 min readMar 5, 2024


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

My friends call me Amy, a lawyer and mom of three. I adore writing, whether it’s legal briefs or blogging about motherhood and creativity.

But finding the time to write amidst the family’s chaos is like trying to catch a greased pig! One day, I was lost in a juicy legal argument when my seven-year-old, George, burst in, demanding help with his train set.

I sighed, pulled myself away from my writing, and detangled tracks and reattached wheels for half an hour. It was a workout! Such is the writer-mom’s life: a dance between family and creativity, requiring patience, flexibility, and plenty of caffeine!

Balancing Act, Dedicated Space, and Time Management

Balancing writing and motherhood requires a dedicated haven for your writing. Establishing a specific spot to retreat to can do wonders.

A consistent writing routine can boost productivity and reduce stress. Find a rhythm that works for you, whether it’s early mornings or late evenings.

Grab every available moment, even if it’s just a few minutes. Take advantage of time spent waiting in the carpool line or at your son’s soccer practice. It’s not always a breeze, but it’s oh-so-worthwhile!

Photo by Liana Mikah on Unsplash

Self-Care Sanctuary

Self-care, my secret weapon! It’s like adding sparkle to the usual busy day.

It’s a sprinkle of magic that makes everything feel better. Even a few minutes for myself does wonders for my focus, creativity, and overall well-being. Self-care for me is sinking into a warm bubble bath with a good book. Or indulging in a chocolate binge while watching my favorite show.

It’s recognizing I deserve to prioritize my own happiness and well-being. That way, I can be the best possible version of myself for my family and my writing.

Writing Community Connection

Finding your writing tribe is like hitting gold: it’s a network of supportive women who know the ups and downs of balancing writing and motherhood.

Online writing groups on social media or dedicated forums can be your lifeline, offering support, motivation, and inspiration. They’re like virtual water coolers where you can share your stories, ask questions, and cheer each other on.

But if you’re looking for more face-to-face interaction, local writer’s groups or workshops are your ticket to connecting with fellow writers. And don’t forget about writing conferences — they’re a great way to grow your network and learn from the best. Joining these communities not only sharpens your writing skills but also gives you a sense of belonging and camaraderie. With your writing tribe by your side, the journey of writing and motherhood becomes a much less lonely road.

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Embrace Writing as Your Personal Sanctuary

Moms, we often sacrifice our own needs, but writing can be your secret weapon for self-expression and growth.

A sanctuary where you can process the joys and challenges of motherhood while rediscovering your unique voice. Embrace writing, it’s not just a hobby; it’s an essential tool for your well-being, a way to keep your identity alive amidst the chaos. Let the words flow, and let them heal, inspire, and empower you.

A Creative Sanctuary Amidst Motherhood

My fellow writer-moms, here’s the truth: balancing writing and motherhood is an ongoing adventure, not a fixed point. It demands patience, grit, and boundless love.

But the rewards? They’re a treasure worth pursuing. Embrace your creativity, care for your families, and know that you’re not navigating this alone.

Let’s connect online, exchanging stories, inspiring each other, and celebrating the beauty of both writing and motherhood. Continue writing, dreaming, and finding joy amidst the chaos. Together, we can build a thriving community of women who love their families and their art. I’m honored to share my journey with you, and I eagerly await hearing yours!



Amy Barlowe
New Writers Welcome

Joyful mom of three, loving wife, productivity guru, and mindset writer. Embracing life's adventures!