Writing on Medium — Here’s What You Could Be Missing

Stephen O.
New Writers Welcome
5 min readOct 28, 2021

Writing on Medium is a journey that’s more than making money. A lot of people who want to write on medium keep saying that medium is dying — that it’s not how it used to be in the past because they feel they are not making enough money, so why should they continue to write here?

I have been on medium for a couple of years now without posting any content even though I’m a writer. During this period, I found out that Medium is more than just a place to make money and I have built a huge number of connections in the past few years — though I regret not posting regularly.

Now that I have started posting here, I have made a couple of bucks but not up to what I could have made if I had been posting before.

My stat has continued to plummet without much attention in the last couple of months. I can’t seem to get the attention I had in the past but I’m still going to keep writing and posting here.

Here are a few reasons why:

I can write about anything

Medium is a place where I can write about anything — it can serve as a place where you sharpen your skills to be a better writer. Also, there’s an option for sharing my posts on social media or any other place on the internet.

I always love the idea that I can write about any topic and people who have an interest in such a topic can read it.

While most people write on medium because of the opportunity it gives in making money, that’s not the only reason why I’m writing here. It’s true that making thousands of dollars from a single post is awesome but what any writer should focus on is getting the attention of readers and having fun with what they do.

We all can expect more from Medium

Unlike how I always post on my blog, managing everything to suit my audience, Medium does all of these for writers without us even asking. There’s no stress for installing plugins and creating pages like you would do when creating a blog because on Medium you only need to write and post.

I have a huge expectation of Medium because I know that the platform is growing and many changes will be made in the future. Right now I can say that Medium is not working the favor of everyone.

Since I registered on this platform, I have referred a huge number of people to write here — and most of them are doing better than I am today with lots of audiences.

You don’t have to be a professional before you can start writing on Medium. My advice to people is if you always have fun writing, then go for it and readers will notice you. As you write, learn and understand what your audience is and work towards the goal of achieving it.

Your pay will always fluctuate

When writing in Medium, you have to know that your payment will always fluctuate. Just because your first story got you $500 doesn’t mean that a second story will pay you the same amount — because the pay will either be higher or lower.

When I start writing and posting on Medium, I have the idea of making aside money to pay my bills but that’s not working because the pay fluctuates. I don’t have any idea of how much I will be made by the end of each month.

It’s true writing on Medium is fun but if your expectation is to use the returns to pay bills, you should look at other streams of income. When you write on Medium for fun, you won’t have to worry about the stats anymore.

When you have a different source of income, you won’t have to lean to a single area for income. Try reaching out to a huge number of people and build a huge network list for yourself.

In the last few months, I have built an email list by allowing people to subscribe to my blog. it‘s fun and amazing when you reach out to people and they love what you do by encouraging you to do more.

I have set up my goal to build a team of loyal readers who will value my work anytime — any day. My advice to anybody who’s aspiring to follow my route is to start building their own audience now by writing without stopping — let the world know what you feel, your opinion, and what you’re doing every day.

Even if you are looking for a place to make money, you shouldn’t forsake posting on Medium regularly. Start the journey of making a side income from freelancing.

For 10+ years now, I have been writing blogs for different websites while forgetting the idea of building my own network on Medium — by letting a huge number of people know what I do.

I enjoy writing, and I have managed to work on different varieties of projects to sharpen my skills.

So if you are looking for a way to make quick money while writing, you should explore the option of starting freelancing on platforms like: Upwork, Linkedin, Fiverr, Freelancer, Fivesquid, Seoclerks, Legiit, and Peopleperhour

All you need is to create a reasonable profile based on your qualifications and set up your gigs to let clients find you. Craft an engaging proposal and let clients know what you’re capable of doing while working on their projects.

If you’re struggling with creating creative work, write and learn on Medium.



Stephen O.
New Writers Welcome

Worked as a freelancer for 10+ Years. Open for writing gigs, reach me on Stevedavinci1@gmail.com