You Are Ready.

Sadly, we live in a society that demands perfection not because we wanted to, but we’re conditioned to do so.

Ekky Wicaksana
New Writers Welcome
3 min readDec 2, 2021


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Practice makes perfect

You must’ve heard that quotes at least once in your lifetime, no matter who you are, where you came from, right?

As a kid, I used to hear that a lot, since I got easily satisfied with everything I’ve done. So instead of keeping practicing things, I got overwhelmed and move to new stuff and hobbies. I began to enjoy exploring things.

Which I’m happy for.

It broadens my point of view, I can see things or events from so many angles. Which makes me a happier person. I can respond accordingly, not just “react” to whatever life throws at me.

In this case, we can slowly break down whatever ideas and execute them in order.

we often reject our own ideas.

As I write this story, I think of how I used to neglect and skip whatever comes to my head and not try nor write it right away. This is still a bad habit of mine, and I stop writing whenever I kept a story in a draft. A draft that will stay a draft, forever. In fact, this story used to be a draft, a week-old draft.

Looking at how the brain affects our actions, I asked myself; “what does my brain really afraid of?” because it keeps saying “I’m not ready”, but then I realized I lived in this world.

Sometimes, we focus on “perfecting” not because the idea isn’t ready to be shipped, but because we’re not ready to face the waves that it might encounter. We worry others might not care or like it. And we’re not sure we want to hear that. -kishly.

Lucky me, I explore so much, I can see from many angles and I got nothing to lose since my close ones got my back. So I decided to finish the draft, this idea used to spark my brain, forcing my brain to work hard, but then the laziness wins. But I can’t let them win all the time, right?

to my dear laziness, this is the day I win.

I wrote this because I put myself in a place that I love to keep practicing. I picked writing to be the based of my stand. For everything I discovered during my “exploring” times led me to write.

as my mind wondered, did practice really makes perfect? since I never really practiced.

I just better my best.

I keep writing and writing, it ended up as poetry, a blog post, a story. On my writing journey, I often stopped by and met some people who share their tips to keep me on track which evolves my writing technique.

You can also ditch those “practice makes perfect” since “better my best” can keep you going way further rather than just focusing on perfection.

What’s perfect anyway, right?

Help yourself, give your ideas a chance. It will never be 100% perfect. Ever. Just better your best. Keep doing what you’re doing. It’s hard to cover so many lousy mouths out there, just keep your ears closed, ignore the naysayers.

You Are Ready.



Ekky Wicaksana
New Writers Welcome

Welcome, to my thoughts during a journey of constantly rediscovering myself.