You Can’t Succeed without Accepting Failure

The nine step process to help you gain success

Clarence Chavis
New Writers Welcome
4 min readMay 11, 2024


Photo by the blowup on Unsplash

When I think about the final place in my dreams, where my goals were achieved, and I’m standing on the mountaintop, it is always the moment of zen where everything is at peace. What I don’t dream about is the journey, the struggle, the rejection, and the failures I had to overcome just to make it. In other words, the reality of it all. The journey to the top of the mountain has dead-end trails, cliffs, obstacles, pot holes and grizzly bears and other deterrents keeping you from reaching the top. Some of these obstacles will bring you right back to the starting point. Other setbacks will place you well behind your original starting point.

It’s easy to feel like a failure, and many choose to quit during the process. Many don’t even try, they are too afraid to fail. How you accept failure will determine if you will succeed. If you melt under pressure, your road to success will be more difficult. Your mindset toward success has to include expecting the unexpected and a readiness to solve problems.

Here are some key steps to achieve your goals

Believe in Yourself
If nobody believes what you set out to accomplish can be done, there is still one person that has to believe in order for you to achieve. Yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself, just pack it up and forget it. Without faith, there is no hope.

Accept the fact you won’t have all the answers
This can be a difficult obstacle to overcome. You may have a well thought out plan, a 3 to 5 year projection and the funding to get it done. It can all be derailed by unforeseen circumstances. Ask someone who began a real estate empire right before the 2008 market collapse. Someone who faced a lawsuit on the road to success. A business partner who took off with the money. There are obstacles that will come up you had no idea that existed and circumstances beyond your control. You must the mindset to pivot and find a new path up the hill to success.

Accept failures as learning lessons
Failure will happen on your journey to success. Does not matter how smart you are or how well thought out your plan is, your plan will be tested. Many will walk away at the first sign of failure. Failure can set back your plans for months or even years. Take in the failures as valuable lessons. Failure will inevitability be your greatest lesson. Learn from them, accept them and move on.

Accept the blame instead of accusing others
Take responsibility for your mistakes. I know it’s easier to blame others, taking the heat off yourself eases your conscience. Accepting your faults and the reasons why you failed is growth in your own personality. Yes, the business partner ran off with the money, but did you vet this person correctly? Were there signs you chose to ignore telling you not to trust this person?

Connect with Mentors
Fast track your way up the mountaintop with people who reached the levels you wish to achieve. Advice from a mentor can help you remove years of attempts and save you financially. Learn from those who made mistakes along the way and adjust your strategy allowing yourself to avoid dead end trails and connecting with the wrong people.

Find business group, organization, social media clubs and live events to attend and participate. Don’t be the shy person in the back of the room or the person on zoom with the camera off. This is your dream, take advantage, ask questions, find people who can help and help those who your assistance. A solid network will fast track your way to your goals.

Operate in your Gifts
We all have special gifts and talents. You know what they are when others struggle to do things that come naturally to you. Some people can’t even imagine writing a article within an hour. Writers such as yourselves do it regularly. Utilize your gifts to reach your goals.

Don’t be a one person army — Delegate!
This is another difficult task to overcome. Especially if you are a control freak! A micromanager will have a difficult time with this step. Learn to give control and leeway to parts of your goals you that are not your speciality. You may need a CPA for the financial aspect, regardless of how efficient you believe you are with Turbotax. Allowing others to operate in their gifts enhances your road to the mountain top and provide the assistance you need.

Count your Blessings
Along the journey of potholes, wrong turns, mistakes and failures, be thankful. Realize each day you are one step closer to achieving your goals. Be thankful for the mistakes on the way because it increases your chance of not repeating them in the future. Saving you time and money. Be thankful on your journey, you will appreciate more your climb to the mountain top. Your journey doesn’t start at the top, it starts along the way.

