Why Businesses and Organizations Should Consider Using A Staffing Firm

Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

In today’s highly-competitive job market, scouting out qualified candidates to fill a particular role can be a long and fiscally draining process — particularly if a company seeks to fill a role that necessitates a highly-skilled and/or specialized individual. A staffing agency can carry much of the heavy lifting of the hiring process for an organization, reducing the burden of finding a good candidate. Many small to medium-sized businesses often lack a dedicated staffing division within their organization, which can result in a substantially greater amount of time dedicated to reviewing candidates, should a business decide to attempt staffing on their own. Additionally, staffing firms such as New York Technology Partners have a collaborative approach to the hiring process; regularly relaying information regarding the current status of the hiring process to their clients.

Recruiters at staffing firms are professionals in what they do. By working with many job seekers and filling several positions regularly, recruiters gain valuable knowledge and experience about the hiring process and industry standards. Many staffing firms specialize within particular disciplines/job sectors. New York Technology Partners is a Rochester, NY based staffing firm which concentrates on hiring within the STEM, IT and the skilled trades. By focusing on a select set of disciplines, recruiters working at a staffing agency can gain relevant industry knowledge and expertise regarding the types of jobs and clients they serve. For instance, a staffing firm’s frequent contact with companies and job seekers within a particular field provides them with powerful insights regarding average wage ranges and benefits across companies within certain careers. An additional benefit to companies utilizing a staffing firm is the option to select between temporary hiring or full-time placement. A recruiter’s knowledgeably of the fields which they hire reduces the probability in an underqualified or otherwise unsatisfactory “bad hire”.

Regardless of choosing to recruit a full-time or temporary worker, companies can expect a number of benefits when utilizing a staffing agency. Firstly, because recruiters often hire individuals in similar roles, staffing firms will often have a “pipeline” of qualified individuals who match the necessary skills for a type of job that isn’t currently available. Depending on the situation, companies may have a list of potential candidates who’ve contacted a staffing firm before the firm has even begun promoting the job opening. As an additional security measure, some firms, such as NYTP, provide “Guaranteed Placement” with their hires — complementarily supplying a qualified replacement employee in the event that a new hire stops working and/or terminates a contract, for reasons such as an illness or lack of interest in the position.

When filling a temp position, an employee is hired independently through the staffing firm, as opposed to by the client company itself. In this manner, the staffing firm takes care of administering the employee’s payroll, in addition to managing legal considerations, such as 401(k) plans and other matters. Should a hire necessitate it, a staffing firm can additionally advise a company’s HR department in legal procedures regarding immigration and employment. Moreover, by hiring a temp employee through a staffing firm, a company can mitigate labor audits and tax exposure. Temp positions additionally allow companies to try working with a candidate they may be interested in, before making a full commitment to hiring them as a full-time employee. Whether your company decides to use a staffing firm to fill temporary or part-time positions, you can be sure that they will be there to assist your organization’s needs along the way.

Staffing firms provide their clients with an accelerated hiring channel, in addition to supplying a range of professional insights at their disposal. If you are interested in having NYTP assist your company’s staffing efforts, feel free to give us a call at (585) 300–4720, or follow us on LinkedIn or Facebook to keep up with our most recent job posts and industry tips.

