Self-isolation Love Bug

By Dr. Parvinder Shergill

New Yorkville Comedy
New Yorkville
1 min readAug 11, 2020


Dr. Parvinder Shergill, @thesecretpsychiateist, is an award winning Doctor, writer, actress, presenter and filmmaker. Shergill has recorded with BBC and Channel 4 in the UK and was recently featured in The Guardian. She has directed, produced, and started in multiple productions and is directing her first feature film this summer.

Parvinder got the idea for “LOVEBUG,” prior to lock-down travelling on the tube in London thinking about Covid and the impact it could potentially have on the public. Parvinder uses comedy to help her through difficult work related stress. The film popped into her head and she wrote it in ten minutes and organised the production for five days for the fun project with her creative colleagues.

Instead of focusing on the negatives of the virus, Parvinder wanted to find the humor and light that can help in times of difficulty, which certainly has since production helped a number of her healthcare colleagues through this crisis. The film has been featured on numerous platforms and aired with BBC.

Be sure to follow Parvinder on social media for her next projects!

