27 things you need to know about New Zealand

halide kılıçarslan
New Zealand thoughts
3 min readJan 13, 2017

New Zealand can be a small country, but there are so many things which we need to know about New Zealand. Here I am just writing down some of those things that you might find interesting.

-First Rugby games was played in New Zealand.

-Sign language is one of three official languages in New Zealand.

-There are seven times more sheep and three times more cow than the human population in New Zealand.

-After Australia, New Zealand is world’s second largest wool producer.

-In 1893, giving women the right to vote New Zealand became the first country in this extent in the world.

-With its 5 million population, New Zealand is one of the least populated countries.

-In a country of 5 million people, there are 2.5 million cars in New Zealand.

-Non-flying kiwi bird is unique to New Zealand and when kiwi bird’s weight is rated to its egg, it has got the biggest egg in the world.

-The first meat transfer with refrigerant was from New Zealand to Europe in 1882.

-New Zealand is one of the longest living countries in the world. Average life span in women is 82.3 and in men is 78.3.

-New Zealand is one of the top five milk producers in the world.

-In New Zealand there are 44 different types of reptile.

-Two bat species live only in New Zealand in the world.

-There is no snake in New Zealand.

-Wellington is the southernmost capital city.

-First national population census was made in 2012.

-World’s the steepest street, with 38 degrees bevel, is Baldwin street of New Zealand.

-This small country has the world’s longest coastline, 15.134 kilometers.

-Legalizing homosexual marriage in 2013, New Zealand became the first in this extent among the Asia-pacific countries.

-In New Zealand, driving age is 15, legal sex age is 16 and alcohol intake age is 18.

-Including outdoor and indoor, there are 400 golf links in New Zealand. It means there are 1 golf links for every 9000 people.

-Pizza Hut restaurants buy the mozzarella from Taranaki, New Zealand, not from Italy.

-Cricket is the oldest organized sports in New Zealand which has been played more than 150 years.

-World’s longest Kauri tree is in Waipoua forest of New Zealand and its height is 51.5 meters. It is thought that it is 2100 years old.

-New Zealand is one of the few countries which have 2 national anthems.

-In a football game, the first referee to invent to whistle is William Atack, who was refereeing in 1884, in Christchurch, New Zealand.

-In 1926, a New Zealander farmer named John Lambert has contrived to fertilize with small airplanes, this is considered as first in this extent.

