After the Earthquake is before the Earthquake?!

New Zealand thoughts
2 min readJul 3, 2016

Earthquakes and other natural disasters belong to the daily life for New Zealanders. The list of earthquakes in New Zealand is long and will definitely be continued in the future. The next natural disaster can happen anytime. New Zealand has learned how to live with that omnipresent danger. Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruption, landslide or hydrothermal activity are always possible. Preparation is the key word.

There is a huge amount of research on natural disasters. The government created emergency routes and advised people who live near the coast to know their way to the nearest high ground that should be at least 35 meters above sea. Important buildings like the hospital in Wellington were built in a special way, so that they stand earthquakes.

For every scenario and situation there are plans, telling the people where to go and advises what to do. A part from that there are campaigns that show pictures how to behave during an earthquake. Everyone should know what to do in the event of an emergency. Measures like keeping streets free and park aside from the street in the event of a tsunami should be an automatism.

Besides knowing the emergency routes, families should be prepared by having an emergency survival kit and a getaway kit. The two kits should include things like warm clothes, a first aid kit, a flashlight or a portable radio. The content of those kits should last for three days minimum. Here are all advises for a natural disaster in New Zealand.

It seems hard but living in New Zealand, one of the most beautiful countries, means that one has always be prepared for an emergency. An emergency, triggered by a natural disaster, which could kill people or destroy houses and all belongings. The danger is always present and therefore there are a lot of preparations made that would cut one’s losses.

