After the NZ earthquake …

New Zealand thoughts
2 min readNov 28, 2016

About two weeks after the enormous earthquake in New Zealand people seem slowly to recover from that big shock they experienced, yet their reactions right after it happened were of course emotional as they had to face the situation helplessly and desperately.
The earthquake of a 7.5 magnitude and further 6 magnitude earthquakes followed by 5magnitude shocks left the seismic area in a mess. Apart from the sad fact that two people had to give their lives, residents had been urged to move to higher ground and a tsunami warning had been announced, an extensive damage is observable. One of the many consequences is that traffic is not possible as vast parts of the roads in the earthquake-prone eare are subsided. These extraordinary circumstances lead to the question how NZ residents may feel right now which is more or less easy to find out due to social networks like twitter or youtube. Can they handle the situation calmly or do they worry because of their loss as some for example lost their homes? Watching NZ news e.g. prime news or Newshub you can tell that people are pretty much occupied with rebuilding their homes or at least tidying up and cleaning. A young woman descirbes the earthquake as the “scariest moment” of her life and “absolutely terrifying”, whereas a boy was about to start his vlog on youtube with the eq issue though he noticed that this might be not the best beginning for a hip and casual vlog. Anyway, he is sharing his personal experience telling us that he was hiding with his friends under his desk while everthing was falling down and remembering the terrific sound he will never forget.
Surprisingly I also found some “earthquake memes” already. In these times it never seems to be too early to create some memes to make fun about current affaires. On the one hand I think it is macabre to make fun about a situation people are still suffering from. On the other hand for some people a kind of humour is a way to get through terrible things. Here are two examples:

