Bishop Brian Tamaki declared that “New Zealand earthquake caused by homosexuals “

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New Zealand thoughts
2 min readDec 10, 2016

Three weeks ago, on 14 November such a terrible earth quake occurred in Kaikoura, south island of New Zealand. The magnitude was 7.8, such a massive number, that affected people´s habitat and their well going life. 2 deaths and several injured were reported. Many main roads were
closed in the South island, because of the damages on the bridges and slips. Some of the State Highway were cleared in 24 hours, however Inland Kaikoura road remained closed, and this caused to cut off all land routes into Kaikoura. New Zealand Transport agency stated that repairing of state highway would take months and repairings of the rail lines ,between Christchurch and Wellington, were to take even more than one year.

Buildings in the Wellington were affected seriously, so many buildings collapsed, a lot of people lost their work place and their home. In Christchurch many houses were left by occupants because of tsunami risk.
After a few days later, as the new earthquake occurred, Magnitude 6.2,there upon, Bishop Brian Tamaki said that NZ earthquake caused by homosexuals. He thinks that it was mother Nature expressing her opinion about homosexuality by this earthquake. Right after earthquake, while he was preaching he said that this disaster is a response to the sinful people by God. He stated that in Christchurch, all kinds of activities allowed, homosexual Bishops were included in the church and homosexuality and gay marriages allowed. “ Christchurch had the highest murder rates, it was a haven for those who were absolutely anti-Christ in every way. It was the representative from that city that first put in motion gay marriage in 2003.”

Really ? Does the world still have these kind of people who think like that? There is an option like to respect them, why they just make relation between homosexuals/gays and terrible natural events or any other disasters, problems.. Why do they not prefer to respect instead of judging their thoughts or choices…. And Bishop Tamaki, if he does not respect them, at least he shouldn’t give such a speech and affect others thoughts by using his holy duty…

