
New Zealand thoughts
2 min readJul 3, 2016

I know, I am late with my blog this week. And do you know why? That’s right, exams. I have been studying all week and still am not done with even half of what I need to do….
This reminds me quite a lot of school. You remember these last few months every year, packed with exams and studying and stress? And then that last one for the last Abitur subject — and I thought ‘finally, that was it, no more exams, I’m done’! Well, here I am — how wrong I was….
But it got me thinking. In class we talked about the New Zealand school system and about how they do not have actual exams up until the 8th grade and thanks to that new system with NCEA a seemingly way less stressful school time altogether. Imagine that : Instead of six or seven things to handle all at once you would have a few ones every now and then all throughout the year. And yes, I know, for some people that sounds even worse, since you would have to study basically all the time. But the thing is, you are only collecting credit points, which means you don’t actually have to pass everything — or at least not ace every single test.
I guess we are doing a similar thing with those tests that have to add up to 4.0 all together but those are only in a few classes and we still have to do the wonderful Modulprüfung…
What I am trying to say is this : If New Zealand managed to introduce a completely new credit system at schools, that even many previous opponents are now copying, why can’t we do try the same?

