Goodbye New Zealand

Sina Brendel
New Zealand thoughts
2 min readFeb 6, 2017

To be completely honest, I have to say that I wasn’t really that interested in New Zealand when I chose this course. The main reason I took it was that it fit well into my schedule. But after this semester I have changed my mind. We talked about many topics, like for example history, language and the Maori culture, which were all very interesting. But most importantly, we got a feeling for how life in New Zealand is like and what kind of an attitude to life the people there have.

The main reason for that is, most likely, that we were lucky enough to have a lecturer from New Zealand, who, of course, has a better insight in how the country works. But, for me personally, the posts we had to write, were the biggest help. To find a topic I wanted to write about, I read a lot of things about New Zealand. Some were boring, but most were really interesting facts and stories, that I never would have found otherwise.

Another thing I really enjoyed, was when we talked about current events in New Zealand. It made the course a lot more interesting. And, lucky for us, a lot happened there during the last few months. First there was the big earthquake that destroyed houses and roads, but luckily didn’t kill that many people and later that year, seemingly out of the blue, their Prime Minister, John Key, resigned. To discuss these things made the course feel much more relevant than just learning about the past or statistics of New Zealand.

I guess, the only thing left to say is, that I had a great time and definitely plan to visit this amazing country in the future. But for now: Goodbye New Zealand.

